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There was a thump on Marinette's roof. She smiled and opened the hatch for Chat Noir. "Hey Purr-incess!" He leapt into her room and sat on her couch.

"Hey, Chat." She sat back at her desk and continued sewing. Chat moved to stand behind her.

"Whatcha making?" He asked and she jumped.

"Chat! Don't sneak up on me like that." She frowned at him. "If you must know, I'm making a Ladybug costume."

Someone knocked on her door and she called "Come in!"

Luka walked into her room and froze at the sight of Chat Noir. He flushed and set his guitar on Marinette's couch. "Hi, Chat Noir. I didn't know you guys knew each other."

Chat rested a hand on Marinette's shoulder protectively. "Yeah, we've been friends for years. In fact, we're soulmates!"

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you guys about." He walked up to them and took Marinette's hand in one of his hands and Chat's in the other. He placed their hands next to each other on the table where the sewing machine was and rested his next to Chat's.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I'm your second soulmate."

They looked at Luka in shock. "But Ladybug/Adrien is my other soulmate." They said in unison.

Luka was taken aback for a second, then realized what must have happened. He pulled his hand away and smiled at them. "Guys, there's something I need to tell you." He paused and took a breath. "I know."

Marinette started floundering around and Chat froze. "I-I don't know what youre talking about!"

"You know who I am?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I lied to you." Luka looked at Marinette. "Do you remember when we fought the Wishmaker?"

"Yeah?" She was apprehensive. Then she realized. "You said he didn't hit us! You said you didn't need to use your second chance!"

He winced. "I know, I know. But if you knew, it would be more stress on you and it wouldn't have done any good. Besides, if you didn't know I knew, the safer you were."

Chat interrupted Luka. "What was your point?"

"Well, I think it's time for you to know."

"But-" Marinette started, then she sighed. "It has been too long and way too stressful to keep this a secret."

Luka pulled Marinette to her feet and turned her to face Chat Noir. "Close your eyes." They did as he asked. "Okay, you know what to do."

"Claws in."

"Spots on." Marinette whispered her command words so quietly, Chat couldn't hear her.

"Now, open your eyes." Luka whispered, slightly apprehensive of what he had set in motion.

They opened their eyes and gasped. "Adrien?"


There was a beat of silence then they started laughing.

"I should've known!" Adrien wheezed. Ladybug nodded.

"You shouldve! You're so blind! The only thing that was different was my outfit!"

Luka smiled and Sass flew up to him from his hiding place. "Hello, Luka. It has been too long." He held out the bracelet to him and he took it.

Luka said the command words and transformed. He jumped up to Marinette's bed and beckoned to Adrien and Ladybug. Adrien transformed and they jumped out onto the balcony and ran across the rooftops.

They sat at the top of a high building, their legs dangling off the edge. "So..." Chat Noir trailed off. "How long?"

"Hmm?" Viperion hummed.

"How long have you known?"

Viperion shifted to face them. "I've known since that picnic you guys had, when you figured out that you were soulmates. Juleka told me you had two soulmates and were each others'. Of course, I wasn't 100% sure, but it was pretty obvious. Besides, my compass has ribbons and suns on it. The ribbons for a creative girl," he poked Ladybug and she swatted his hand away. "And suns for the boy whose name means to shine."

Chat Noir looked at his own wrist. "But I have suns too?" Ladybug chucked.

"His name also means to shine. Makes sense. I have suns and paw prints." They looked at each other's tattoos and laughed.

It might not have been a big victory for Paris, but it was a victory for our heroes. We are stronger together. Love always wins.

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