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The man in black clearly notices me but doesn't raise a gun toward me as the first guy did. He tackles the guy in front of him and flips him onto his back, punching him in the face.

Taking advantage of the two men being distracted, I flee in the opposite direction, getting back to my apartment as fast as I can. Thankfully, neither man followed me back.

My pounding heart and raised blood pressure prevent me from falling asleep the rest of the night. I go into work the next day with dark bags under my eyes and a bit of an attitude.

"Wow," Lucas comments, "you look like shit." Instead of retorting, I just glare at him and move on to do my job.

"You were right," I rub my eyes. Lucas snickers, "About what? I'm right about a lot of things, you just don't like admitting it." I sigh, not having the energy to come up with a funny response. "The masked man you were telling me about...he's real." I can see on his face that he wants to laugh. "I'm serious, Lucas." "Alright, alright!" He decides to entertain my statement, "And how do you know this?"

This is the tough part, having to explain it. "I saw him. He was dressed in all black and had a black mask on," I describe, "He was chasing a guy with a gun." Lucas grows more and more concerned with everything I say, "How did you see this? You were in your apartment." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly, "I...couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk." This really sets Lucas off. "You went out for a walk in the middle of the night?! I told you that this city is dangerous at night! And look what happened!" Due to my absence of sleep, I lose my temper very quickly and yell back, "I'm a grown adult, I don't need you parenting me! What, am I supposed to rely on you to stay safe? Do you think I'm incapable of taking care of myself?"

The anger leaves Lucas' face as he fumbles for something to say. "(Y/N), I...that's not what I meant. I'm just con-" "Fuck off, Lucas," I go to the other side of the store and do work over there.

For the rest of our shift, I avoid situations where I'd be next to him or need to talk to him. The atmosphere is thick and awkward. I know Lucas wants to talk to me, but I'm not in the mood.

I clock out and go to leave, but Lucas stops me. "(Y/N), please," He begs, "let's talk about what happened." "I don't want to," I attempt to pass him, "not tonight." "Then at least let me walk you home," He blocks my way again. I nearly lash out at him again, but the expression on his face makes me feel guilty for the way I've treated him today. "...Fine." I agree to his request.

The walk back to my place is in silence. Lucas keeps fidgeting, wanting to say something but not knowing what. Knowing that I'm the one who needs to talk first, I apologize. "Lucas...I've been unfair to you today and...I'm sorry. I know you were just looking out for me." "No, it's okay! I understand," He should be mad at me, but he isn't. "You're really tired and that messes a person's mind up. That, and what happened last night. " I'm glad I never mentioned that the guy being chased tried to shoot me because he'd be more insistent on keeping me safe.

It was smart to apologize. I hate the idea of not being friends with Lucas and I wouldn't want such a thing to happen over something so stupid. He and I talk more about the man in black, coming up with crazy theories about who he is and what he's doing.

Lucas and I part ways for the night on good terms. Thinking about our friendship makes me realize how lucky I am to have him as a friend. If I were him, I probably would have gotten annoyed and cut ties. I wouldn't blame him if he did that, I'd understand.

I stay in my apartment tonight instead of going out again. Considering how tired I am, sleep comes easily.

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