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My eyelids are heavy. I don't want to wake up, but I need to check the time so I'm not late to work. I force my eyes open, quickly noticing this is not my apartment.

The walls are painted blue, with medical equipment either hanging on them or placed nearby. Oh god, I'm in a hospital.

"Good, you're awake," A nurse adjusts her gloves and does some work on the monitor beside me. I reach down to pull the IV out of my arm, but she stops me, giving me a stern look.

"Why am I here?" My head is pounding, but I can't remember why. The nurse sighs, "You were robbed at your job last night."

Lucas. I remember now.

"Wait," My voice cracks, "there was one more person who was injured! Is he here?" She stops what she was doing, a sympathetic expression on her face, "...I'm sorry."

Lucas is dead. He's dead, and I have no one left. What am I even supposed to do? I have no job (I don't think I can ever go back in that book store) and no one to go to.

"If it makes you feel any better," The nurse goes back to the monitor, "those two assholes who tried to rob the store were beaten nearly to death. They're still unconscious and the police are right by their beds to arrest them once they've recovered enough to be transported to jail."

"Yes," I stare at my hands, digging a nail into my palm, "that does make me feel a bit better."

"I'm Claire, by the way," The nurse introduces herself. "If you need me, just press this button." She finishes whatever she was doing on the monitor. "Thankfully, you should recover pretty quickly and I'll be able to discharge you soon." "Thank you," She nods, "Oh, the officers are going to want to talk to you about what happened. Please try to tell them everything so they can send those assholes straight to prison where they belong."  I watch her leave the room to attend to another patient.

Shortly after, two police officers enter the room and station themselves, one at the door and the other at the side of my bed. "(Y/N), was it?" The closer one asks. I nod in confirmation. "We're here to ask you a couple questions regarding last night's event. Can you please retell in as much detail as possible what you remember?"

I do as he asked, leaving out the part about the pocketbook and the short conversation I had with the man in black.

Son of a bitch, he's the reason I'm in the hospital.

"Thank you for your statement, ma'am," The officer closes his notebook. "I just have a few more questions..."

I now notice that I'm in a private room instead of the ICU. The second officer shuts the door and locks it, leaving just the three of us in the room.

"Um..." My voice shakes as the situation makes me uneasy, "why did you do that?"

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