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Lucas is on the ground with his back propped up against the side of the counter, clutching the bleeding hole in his chest. I scream out his name, receiving another blow to my jaw.

"Do we still need her?" "Yeah, we need at least one hostage if the police show up while we're getting away. We'll kill her too when we're clear." I'm painfully pulled up by my hair, the man moving one hand to hold my arms behind my back and the other to keep the gun against my skin. I'm forced to go with them towards the door.

The other man suddenly gets pulled back. It sounds like something hits him and he grunts in pain. The man holding me turns us around quickly, the barrel of his gun nearly breaking my skin from how hard he's pressing it.

The masked man punches the guy on the ground, knocking him out, and faces us.

"Hands up now or she gets a bullet in her head!" He pulls us both closer to the exit and further away from the man in black. "Let her go," The masked man instructs. "I'm the one giving the orders!" The man holding me is beginning to sound hysterical, "I'm leaving with her or I'm going to kill her and then you. Either way, I'm leaving!" "No," The masked man takes one step forward for every one we take back, "you aren't."

"Hands in the air!" He pulls the gun back and hits me with it again. The masked man starts to rush forward but stops when he sees how serious this guy is. My head is throbbing horribly, blood flowing down my face. I want to wipe away the blood, but my hands are still being restrained behind my back. The masked man slowly raises his hands, "Put the gun down."

When the man reaches to open the door, I let my knees buckle and he loses his grip on me. Not wasting a second, the masked man punches him in the face and throws him to the ground. He then straddles the man and throws punch after punch, the man's face getting covered in his own blood. The masked man's actions are so full of rage, a kind of rage you wouldn't have unless you felt a personal hatred towards the other person. The man underneath him passes out, unable to take any more beatings.

The masked man gets off the guy and slowly comes over to me. He reaches to touch my forehead and my body flinches in response. He pauses for a few seconds before continuing, gently rubbing my temple. Even though his touch is gentle, the pain is great and I pull away, wanting him to stop.

"Lucas..." I remember my injured friend and push past the masked man, running to my friend's side and kneeling down. "Please be alive, please!"

Lucas grabs my hand with his free one, "(Y/N)...take the...pocketbook..." He lets go of my hand and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small, black notebook. He places it into my hand and presses down as if making sure I know to take it. "Come on, we need to get you help," I place the pocketbook down try to lift him, but he's far too heavy. He clenches his teeth and groans in pain as I move him, "(Y/N), stop." "But you need to get to the hospital!" I go to lift him again, but the masked grabs my wrist. "Right," I realize, "Since you're here, help me carry him!" The masked man doesn't budge. "What are you doing?" I try to pull my wrist back, but he doesn't let go.

"He's not going to make it," The masked man states. "He will if we get him there!" The masked man still will not release my wrist, I look up at him, ready to yell at him, but the expression I can see on the bottom half of his face says it all. My chest tightens and my vision blurs with tears. Lucas is going to die

I wrap Lucas in a hug, his shirt soaking up my tears. "I don't want you to die," My voice cracks. Lucas strokes my hair weakly, "I won't really die. I live on in that notebook I'm leaving you. I trust you to take care of it." "I will," I promise him. He then turns his head to the man in black, "Please keep her safe. She has no one else."

"No, please don't leave me alone." I can't lose him. "I'm glad you'll live...I love you...little sis....." Lucas' hand -which was stroking my hair- falls to his side. Everything inside me breaks and I sob uncontrollably. The masked man releases my wrist and places his hand on my back to comfort me.

The sound of sirens reaches my ears, causing my fight-or-flight response to kick in. I grab the notebook off the floor and hide it in my pocket, stumbling towards the back exit.

"You're hurt," The masked man sounds concerned, "You should sit down and wait for the ambulance." "No!" I unintentionally shout, "Ambulances are too expensive. I'll walk myself."

As I reach for the door, the man in black steps in front of me. "I have a feeling that you have other reasons," His tone is questioning. "What's it matter to you?" He ignores my desperation, sighing. "They'll take care of you at Metro General, you can trust them. ...I'm sorry for this."

As I open my mouth to ask why he's sorry, something hits the back of my head and it all turns black.

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