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"We have some more confidential questions to ask you," The officer gets uncomfortably close, running his fingers along my IV like a creep. "Officer..." I read his nametag, "Reyes. I have already told you everything."

Reyes chuckles, "These questions are off-the-record." The officer guarding the door, Officer Ford, hands Reyes a folder. Reyes flips through its contents, pulling out a small image. He turns it to me, showing me the headshot photo Lucas used in his resume.

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Tears quickly form in my eyes and spill out, but I sit there in silence.

"We know Lucas Brooks meant a lot to you, that's why we really need you to answer our questions." His voice grows sympathetic. "Lucas can't get the justice he deserves unless we know everything."

Yeah. These officers just want to solve a case. They're here to help. I must have been reading into things too much.

"There is one thing..." I trail off, a sudden feeling telling me not to say anything about the book. "I...uh....." They're here to help...right?

Reyes runs a hand over the gun on his hip, making sure I notice it. I clench my jaw and look up at his eyes, which reflect his annoyance. "We don't have all day."

"I-I understand," I have to quickly come up with a believable lie. These officers don't want to help me. Just then, I realize that I've already used my ability last night, so there's not much reason to continue avoiding it as much.

I look back up and lock eyes with Officer Reyes, "Believe me when I say that I know nothing else that happened last night and that you have no reason to suspect me for anything." Reyes sits still for a few seconds. He slowly stands and smiles towards me, "I apologize for my behavior, I got carried away. I hope your recovery is quick."

Reyes goes over to Ford and states, "I'll tell the boss not to worry about her. She doesn't know anything." They both exit the room, Officer Ford sending me one last suspicious glance over his shoulder. I can only hope that Ford goes along with what Reyes says since it isn't possible to have used my ability on both of them at the same time. Maybe I shouldn't have used it after all, but I can't change the past. I need to focus on what I'm doing next.

Grabbing the IV, I remove it from my arm and place it beside me on the bed. I get up and go out into the main hallway, searching for the closet they store patients' personal belongings in. I have to tell a few nurses, "Forget you saw me" as I look around, not wanting to be dragged back to the room.

I finally find the closet, grabbing the clear bag with my name written on it. My work clothes were mostly thrown out due to the blood that was on them, so I sort through the other bags in the closet until I find one with an outfit that fits my style. I close myself in the closet, getting changed as quickly as I can, and then I speed walk out of the building.

Something is very wrong with this city. I don't know why I am only getting this feeling of impending doom now, but the thought of danger lurking everywhere is enough to make me go mad. I have always known that I will most likely be killed or used if people find out what I can do, but now it feels much more real.

I need to figure out what to do and I need to figure it out fast before someone figures out the truth about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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