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Thankfully, there is no awkwardness between Lucas and me despite yesterday's fight. The day is easy, although we have a good amount of customers come in to shop.

"One more hour!" Lucas cheers, excited for our shifts to end. "I'm ready to go to sleep," I yawn, causing Lucas to yawn involuntarily. "Hey!" He playfully yells at me, "Yawning is contagious!" "Too bad," I shrug and go assist a customer who is struggling to find a specific book she wants.

"Do you know the name of the book, ma'am?" I question. "No," Her voice is filled with undeserved attitude, "I just know it's a romance novel with a picture of the sky on the front." "That doesn't help me narrow it down," I continue to try and help. "Do you remember anything else about it?" This lady is offended by my question for some reason. "You should know what I'm talking about, it's your job to know. Is there someone here who actually knows what they're doing?" I take a deep breath to calm myself down so I don't match her energy and get myself reprimanded by my boss. "Ma'am, I can assure you that I am quali-"

"Both hands up, now!" Someone shouts at the front of the store. I turn to see a man holding a gun up to Lucas' head, another guarding the door.

"Oh fuck," I hold my finger up to my lips, signaling for the woman with me to be quiet. Terrified, she listens. "There's an employee entrance in the back, if you go through there," I point the direction out to the woman. "Go quickly and get out." She hurries that way, not caring if I follow or not.

I remain where I am, hiding behind a shelf, but a door slams loudly in the direction the woman went in. Shit.

"Go get that person," The man in front of Lucas commands his buddy. "Do it now!" Footsteps become louder and louder in my direction, coming towards me too fast for me to think of an escape route.

Fingers wrap around my hair and yank, dragging me to the front counter. I cry out in pain at the roughness, grabbing the hair closer to my head to make it hurt less.

"Let her go!" Lucas pleads, "I can open the register and do whatever else you guys want. You don't need her." The man by Lucas laughs, "We need hostages. Your girl let the other one go, so we just have to settle for her." The man holding onto me presses his gun against my temple harshly, forcing my head to the side a little. "Please, man," Lucas continues, "Let her go. I'll open the register right now." The man laughs again, "We don't need that money, we're getting paid enough." Confused, Lucas asks, "Then...what do you want?" The man presses his gun against Lucas' forehead, no longer laughing. "We're here to kill you."

Making a split-second decision, I bang my head against the barrel of the gun pressed to my head, knocking it down. The guy yanks my hair as he reaches for his gun, but I bite his hand with as much force as I can put behind it. He screams and his partner is distracted by it, turning to us. I make eye contact with the man and shout, "Don't kill him!" The man freezes for a moment before lowering his gun.

The man holding me grabs his gun and hits the side of my head with the handle. Pain spreads through my head and the room spins. A gunshot sounds and all my senses snap back into place.

"You idiot, you should have shot him! Why did you hesitate?!" The man holding me lowers his gun, placing the barrel back against my head.

That's when I realized. He had his gun up. A gun fired.

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