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Yibo who was driving back saw his son and daughter rubbing there little stomachs, yibo knew they must be hungry but because they fear him, they don't have the guts to tell him, he was also hungry, since eating breakfast in the morning prepared by xiao zhan, he hasn't eaten again. No one prepares good food like xiao zhan, and he will feel very safe eating food prepared by the person he trust's and cares the most, the person who helped him when he was so lost, the person who made him saw the light, and that's none other than his beautiful partner xiao zhan, the only person in this world he will protect and stay with.

"I will buy something for you two to eat, sorry daddy didn't consider you two." Yibo said patted wuxian and fen head then left the car, wuxian left his seat and went to sit on xiao zhan lap, his little hands wrapped around xiao zhan neck.

"Mommy daddy is so nice, he treats fen and me so well, Iam so happy, he even said sorry today." Wuxian who was happy said, zhan smiled and kissed his son, wang yibo at times he could be nice, but then most of the times he is cold and rarely talks so nicely, he is even cold to his own kids, he hopes his two kids will not hate wang yibo, no matter what happens the two will still recognise wang yibo as there father.

"He loves you and fen, i want my good boy to be a strong young man, don't be scared of daddy, you said your as great as superman, you see superman is very courageous and he was never afraid even once and he always defeats the bad guys." Zhan answered lovingly, wuxian nodded his head in understanding, he needs to make his mommy proud, he must be courageous and strong like superman, he is going to talk to his daddy and stop being afraid of his daddy.

Yibo didn't take long, he returned back, he gave fen who was not causing a fuss because his brother was being carried by there mommy and not her, fen licked her lips and swallowed her saliva when she saw the food. Both wuxian and fen stomach grumbled.

"Thank you for the food daddy, you eat too." Wuxian who wanted to prove that he is not scared of his daddy said, yibo was surprised, he looked at his son who was smiling at him and his lips involuntarily moved to a curve, scoping abit of wuxian food with the plastic small spoon, yibo ate then patted wuxian shoulder feeling very satisfied and proud, that's the kind of son he wants, wuxian looked at his mommy, zhan smiled at him and gave his son a thumbs up. Fen seeing his brother sharing his food, she also insisted that his daddy must eat her food too, yibo didn't refuse.

They arrived back to there house, zhan cleaned wuxian and fen, then changed there clothes and put them to bed in there respective room's to sleep.

Going downstairs, he saw Wang yibo seated and was waiting for him to eat the food he bought earlier, zhan reheated the food quickly and the two ate, with wang yibo looking forward xiao zhan from time to time, zhan washed the used dishes while wang Yibo went back to there room.

Zhan put everything in order, cleaned the kitchen and set aside what he will prepare tommorow in the morning, by the time he was done, an hour has already passed, zhan stretched his body and poured himself a glass of milk, after he was done, he decided to go to his room and face Wang yibo who must be still awake and waiting for him.

Just as he expected the moment he opened the door he was pinned on the closed door, zhan gasped in pain when his back came into contact with the door knob, his wrist too was held so tightly by Wang yibo.

"It hurts wang yibo." Xiao zhan whispered, but it was loud enough for wang yibo to hear, since he didn't want his kids to wake up.

"And i always told you this pain will remind you what your supposed to do and what you should not do." Yibo said and grazed xiao zhan earlobe with his front teeth, zhan slightly trembled and his ear felt itchy.

"Since when did you get so close with that girl? How comes she behaves like she knows you very well." Yibo talked close to xiao zhan ear, making xiao zhan to gasp when Wang yibos warm breath hit his neck which is extra sensitive.

"We sometimes played together when we were young, we weren't that close, trust me." Zhan answered, he really wasn't close with that Maria, at first he genuinely took Maria as a sister and planned to be nice to him, but regretted it when his good will wasn't appreciated even once.

"Not close? You touched her! Talked to her! Played with her and even carried her! You were close to her! And now you dare lie to me!" Yibo shouted and his grasp tightened, zhan gritted his teeth in pain and his eyes got teary.

"I was still very young, after i got married to you, I've never met her or talked to her, trust me Wang yibo, I've never lied to you." Yibo turned xiao zhan around and pushed him to bed, zhan landed on the bed, he touched his already reddened wrist which was already burning in pain.

"Tell me honestly where did she touch you?" Yibo who was now on top of xiao zhan asked.

"My hands, neck and chest too, when i used to carry her." Zhan answered honestly, yibo face turned red in anger and his eyes darkened, grabbing both of xiao zhan hands, he possessively looked at xiao zhan fingers, he then lowered his face and licked each of xiao zhan fingers, tearing the shirt that xiao zhan was wearing, yibo used his tongue to lick xiao zhan neck, making xiao zhan to close his eyes tightly, he bite his lower lip not to make a sound when yibo kissed and nibbled, leaving behind several hickeys, his body reacted with wang yibos small teasing. Yibo hand descended down and he pinched one of xiao zhan nipples, zhan body trembled in excitement, when yibo mouth came into contact with xiao zhan other nipple and he slightly bite it, zhan couldn't help it but moan.

"Every part of your body belongs to me, no one has the right to touch you apart from me." Yibo said and continued to assault xiao zhan body, enjoying xiao zhan beautiful silent moans. Yibo didn't go far, after he was satisfied teasing xiao zhan, he hugged xiao zhan close and closed his eyes to sleep.

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