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"It can happen when God bless us to have another child, more than a month has already passed and we haven't done anything, maybe God planned for us to have a child at that time, how about trying now? Maybe the offer is still there." Zhan who made sure that calm down lifted the quilt exposing his face asked while looking at Wang yibo.

Yibo eyes darkned and xiao zhan could clearly see that his simple words had a tremendous effect on Wang yibo, he was really turned on with just few words, yibo lowered his head, slightly bite xiao zhan lower lip then sucked on zhans lower lip, zhan closed his eyes, wrapped his hands around Wang yibos neck and waited for his dear husband to kiss him, a second passed but nothing happened after yibo sucked on his lower lip, opening his eyes, his eyes met that of Wang yibo who was closely looking at him.

"My babe is so beautiful, i don't care if I'm called selfish by dozens of people because i can't go out to parties with my only beloved partner, how can i let other's see this beauty, just me looking at you forever is more than enough, no matter what they say, they really have no idea what they're missing in this life, this angel right here, under me belongs to me only, he is only mine and will never be shared by anyone else, i love you so much my life, my lifetime partner, my other half and the only person who made me feel love again and see the light." Yibo said possessively and hid his face at the crook of xiao zhan neck.

Xiao zhan heart skipped a bit, his heart felt warm and he really loved Wang yibos word's, he understands that Wang yibo genuinely loved him, just being nice to him, caring about him, being loyal to him and showing him that he is truly sincere to him, made Wang yibo to fall for him within few months, but then his love turned into obsession, control and being overly protective, for the past eight years, he could be lying to himself if he says that he completely doesn't love or doesn't have a slight feeling or liking towards Wang yibo.

"I love you too my dear husband, i was yours since the day we got married, then how about doing it now, it's. ....it's. ..you know more than a month has passed, and you have never touched, ....i. ...miss you so much. ...i want you. ...i want my dear husband to satisfy me, i know you want me too, the feeling is mutual." Zhan who stuttered blushed and looked away shyly, he has never said such a thing, and today he took the initiative to shamelessly say such words! It's so embarrassing! Being so needy and presenting himself in front of his beast husband.

"You've really become bold, inviting me at the same time seducing me, are you sure you will handle me huh? Are you sure you will keep up? I have been controlling myself for weeks because you were sick, and I am afraid i will hurt you if i will not follow the doctors advice, i really want to eat you wholly now, just touch me I am already hard because of your words." Yibo said and guided xiao zhan hand under his shorts, zhan fingers trembled when he touched his husbands erected dick, yibo groaned feeling xiao zhan smooth, slender and cold fingers against his dick.

Xiao zhan wrapped his fingers around yibos dick and licked his lips seductively. "I am fine now, i have survived all these years, that's enough evidence to show that, Iam capable of handling your every movements keeping up with anything that you will do to me, the doctor only said that we should reduce our sex routine and intervals, but he never said that we should completely stop, right now let's just feel each, let your most beautiful partner take care of you right now." Zhan pushed yibo to lie down on the bed and he was ontop of him.

Zhan admired his husbands perfect body, broad shoulders and visible six packs, his husbands working out every day has really paid off, zhan sat on top of wang yibos, his ass coming into contact with xiao zhan ass, zhan has always wondered how his husbands massive dick fit in his tight hole, he touched yibos chest, his fingers descended down to yibos navel, down to his stomach, his ass grinding on Wang yibos already hard dick, the friction made Wang yibos little sanity to completely dissappear, and his eyes got even more deeper.

Zhan kissed yibos stomach, moving aside from Wang yibo, he removed his husbands shorts, and yibos monstrous dick was finally free, zhan used his tongue to lick the tip of wang yibos dick, spitting a bit of his saliva on Wang yibos dick, zhan decided to suck his husband's dick, yibo who was expecting that grabbed the duvet tightly with his fingers, making them to turn white, his expression and expectant eyes made xiao zhan to want to do it quickly, yibo closed his eyes tightly when he felt xiao zhan warm mouth on his dick, he almost cummed on the spot.

"C'mon baby move, but don't bite my dick off, if this happens then I will not have anything to satisfy you." Yibo said and he slowly moved his hips upwards thrusting into zhans mouth, zhan gagged when yibos dick hit his throat, his eyes got teary, he really has become rusty, it's been long since he sucked on his husbands dick, minutes later he got a hang of it and was able to move with wang yibos thrusts, zhan swallowed every little bit of his husbands semen, and some were on his lips.

Yibo grabbed xiao zhan hand, pulled him closer, then immediately turned him around, making xiao zhan to be under him, yibo kissed zhan deeply, removing xiao zhan remaining clothes, yibo kissed every inch of xiao zhan body, zhan moans driving him even more crazy, getting lube from the drawer, yibo smeared on his fingers and some around zhans hole, teasing xiao zhan hole for a while, yibo pushed one of his fingers all the way in, stretching xiao zhan while deeply kissing him, muffling xiao zhan moans who was enjoying being fingered, yibo who felt that he has stretched zhan enough removed his fingers and seconds later pushed himself with just a single thrust making xiao zhan whole body to tremble and he shouted hysterically.

The two rolled under the sheets feeling each other for hours, by the time they were done and Wang yibo was completely satisfied, lunch has already passed, zhan was knocked out and he didn't know when he was cleaned and dressed, yibo left the room dressed casually, but his face was full of energy, and the air around him wasn't that scary like always, he was a man full of energy and refreshed.

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