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Ni mantian: "I know but that's unfair to my daughter, my husband and i worked very hard to start that business, i gave my own money that i worked hard for to boost and advance my husband's business, naturally the company belongs to my daughter."

Yibo was somehow surprised, he didn't expect this woman to be this  shameless.

Maria nodded her head supporting her mother's words, his dad and mother worked so hard to start a business, suffered in the process, and now that they are well off and doesn't have to worry about daily necessities, the useless child xiao zhan started manipulating Wang yibo and right now that they're in a small problem, xiao zhan is using that chance to get everything that he doesn't deserve to get! The business belonged to her not the useless child! She is more qualified than xiao zhan!.

Yibo laughed, and the aura in his body changed in an instant, the room which was once comfortable to stay became cold immediately making the three people inside to tremble in fear, they wondered what they're said wrong for wang yibo to uddenly become so angry.

Wang yibo sneered before speaking. "Worked hard? Gave your money to support your husband's business? You really surprise me."

Wang yibo words made ni mantian to look at his husband, the confusion and slight fear in her eye's will make someone like wang yibo to know that something is not right, they must be hiding something.

"What are you talking about mr wang yibo? What i said is naturally the truth." Ni mantian answered.

"If i remember correctly, even after doing a small investigation before i married my dear beloved, i found something very interesting, i wonder if mr xiao and your partner wants to hear it? My beloved will be very angry once he got to know what actually happened over two decades ago?" Yibo word's made ni mantian and mr xiao face to turn pale, they didn't expect wang yibo to actually know what happened year's ago, if the authority gets involved then they will surely get scolded done for, maria was confused with her mother and dad reaction, she wondered if something happened and she has no idea.

"I don't have time to waste here, call me once you have made a decision by the end of the end of the day." Yibo added and got up to leave, maria looked at wang yibo who was about to leave and her two parent's who were very scared and she made a decision the important thing right now is her future, so she will follow wang yibo aa for the mystery of her parent's she will get to know later.

Wang yibo just left the room where mr xiao was admitted and be felt someone else following behind him, turning around, yibo expressionless face became even more ugly. Maria immediately stopped her tracks and lowered her head not daring to look at wang yibo, yibo didn't have time to talk with this crazy woman and decided to go, maria who expected wang yibo to talk to her, but her wishful thinking didn't come to reality tried to follow wang yibo but got stopped by wang yibos bodyguard.

"Madam if you insist on causing trouble and stalking my boss, then i will be forced to take extremely measures, my boss has already warned you, i will be forced to call the police and place a restraining order." Maria face blushed in embarrassment, did she just got compared to a stalker? She is really just trying to get wang yibo notice her, what's so great about his brother that wang yibo couldn't even look at her, she is beautiful and men used to chase after her.

"What should we do? We just can't sir and watch our business getting robbed by some an alien uselessness child!" Ni mantian aaked her husband, for year's her life has been better, and she just can't let everything' come to an END just lol that.

Mr xiao sighed, he must don't have what to do.

Mr xiao: "We have no other choice but to compromise."

Mr xiao word's made ni mantian to stand up and look at her husband in bewilderment and anger, she didn't expect her husband could just let everything go just like that!.

Ni mantian: "You think i will justify allow you to give up everything to your useless son? That's impossible! You have to think of a solution! I will rather die than watch you give away everything that we have worked for!"

"Ni mantian you must have forgotten that xiao zhan mother is the one who gave up everything to start this business, legally everything belongs to my son, don't tell me you have forgotten everything after living a luxurious life for year's!" Mr xiao shouted, he is very unwilling to watch his son manage everything, even if xiao zhan is his own blood, his biological son, he doesn't have any fatherly love towards him, and he rarely remembers that he actually has a son.

"I won't let that happen! I thought you could be abit smarter and have the heart to fight! But your easily giving up! So what if the business belonged to that dead witch! Without your hardwork and dedication, then the business couldn't be where it was now!"

"You want me to resist? If it was against my son that's easy, but going against wang yibo that's fighting a loosing battle, leave me alone to think for sometime, instead of shouting you also think, do you want to be in prison for committing a murder or give up for now and think of a way to get even back." Mr xiao said and closed his eye's, his face looks more tired and has aged even more.

Yibo went back to the company, zhan who was at home got a call from wen ning informing him of something important that needed his presence and also signing of important documents, he tried calling wang yibo several times but this phone didn't go through so he had no choice but to call xiao zhan.

Zhan thought for a while and decided to go to the company, it won't take long, and he will be back home after getting everything done.

MY OBSESSIVE HUSBAND ✔️☑️✅Where stories live. Discover now