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The day was busy for xiao zhan, yibo who was done with his work came to xiao zhan company to wait for him finish his work.

Wang yibo didn't want xiao zhan to know that he was waiting for him, yibo sat down on the lobby comfortably, took out his phone and started going through his emails, yibo ignored the murmuring and girl's who were looking at him, but deep down he knew these kind of people who are naturally perverts and having weird thoughts should be kept far away from his partner xiao zhan.

Zhan who was done for the day, went out of his office, it is his first day of work and he was able to do his work well and without any problems, he thought he will have problems getting used to working and coming into contact with other people and maybe he will not be courageous enough, he himself didn't expect that he will be so bold and courageous! He really did a great thing listening to Wang yibos guidance.

Zhan yelped when he was suddenly back hugged and he was about to attack while cursing,but the moment he smelled the familiar body cologne,his tensed body relaxed and he was surprised, the workers who were talking and admiring Wang yibo were beyond surprised when they realized that, their boss who came today is in a relationship with such a handsome young man! And he looks very rich! The clothes, shoes and watch he was wearing, clearly shows that he must be a billionaire.

'i never expected our boss who looks very young to be married.'

'how can he be married, he must be in a relationship!'

Wang yibo looked at the group of people talking like they have nothing to do, with just his gaze within seconds the group that was talking aimlessly dispersed.

"Why do you keep such kind of people as your surbodinates? They're really so annoying." Yibo annoyed and his hands wrapped around xiao zhan waist tightened.

"Don't be concerned about them, to me what I need the most is there competency and knowledge, as for other things, I don't care, I have a handsome husband, how can I have eye's for other's."

Yibo seems to be satisfied with xiao zhan answer and he kissed him on his cheek, you could clearly see the smile and happiness portrayed on his face and eyes which were shining and full of stars.

"Let's go." Yibo held xiao zhan hand and the two left, arriving at wang yibos car where the driver was waiting for them, going inside the car, the first thing wang yibo asked for was wang yibos phone, going through xiao zhan phone and asking for any new number he has seen on the phone, memorising the names and phone number of the people xiao zhan called or saved for the few hours that he has been at work, yibo sent a text message to his secretary with the names of each person to have him or her checked.

"Don't get so close or be manipulated, cheated or confused by them, some people are not to be trusted, always remember your mine, never betray my trust that I have on you." Yibo said, zhan who has lost count of the times wang yibo has said such a thing, as usual nodded his head and reassured wang yibo that he will never go against his rules and conditions that he has set aside, he knows what he should do and what he shouldn't.

"No shaking hand's, no hugging and also unnecessary smiling, your smile belongs to me only, social distancing is a rule, covid is everywhere and you might be in trouble, your health comes first." Yibo added, zhan lips twitched,but he still nodded his head in understanding. Being allowed to go to work by Wang yibo is such a major step,he never ex Wang yibo could allow him to work. Having Wang yibo slowly change for the better has been his dream for year's and it's now happening, even if he is still a jealous, controlling and obsessive man.

Now looking at the man seated beside him, the idea of him helping her good for nothing sister to get this man and find a way to run away will be changed,  his kid's deserves a complete family, and he will stay with this man and help him completely change to trust other people, show him that love really exist and he doesn't have to be so insecure,he has a partner, a son and a daughter who will forever be by his side. Zhan eye's were full of love, the emotions displayed in his eyes surprised Wang yibo.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yibo asked and touched zhans smooth face, zhan choked on his tears, unbuckling his seatbelt he hugged Wang yibo tightly.

"I love you wang yibo."  Zhan said in tears, yibo who has never heard xiao zhan say such words before for the past eight years was beyond surprised and was rendered speechless, and his hands which were also hugging xiao zhan trembled, for year's he has been waiting for xiao zhan to say those three words 'i love you.' to him, xiao zhan has never taken the initiative to say such important and sweet words to him.

"D-don't cry, you know how I feel about you too, I have always loved you, and will forever love you." Yibo who was very happy answered and wiped xiao zhan tears away, zhan had a lot of words to tell wang yibo but he just can't put it into words.

On the other hand xiao zhan step mother did her investigations and got to know where xiao zhan two brats studies, she has her own plans, have those two kids trust her and not doubt her, it's a piece of cake to manipulate little kids, and she is confident enough that she will not fail. Her daughter is in love with Wang yibo, and xiao zhan has no reason to rejected her sister, she is the one who convinced xiao zhan dad to marry off xiao zhan to wang yibo and there's nothing wrong for her to have xiao zhan step down and let her daughter be Wang yibo wife, without her xiao zhan could have never met wang yibo, he must be thankful and grateful to her.

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