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"Strange, you've become extra sensitive and you reacted so much with just a kiss." Yibo said and pinched zhan nipple making xiao zhan legs to soften and a loud moan left zhan mouth, yibo wrapped his hand around zhan waist preventing him from falling down.

Zhan who was breathing heavily with his face flushed red, with his lips slightly swollen and deep red too, which were slightly patted, closed his eye's and tried to calm down, When he was pregnant with wuxian and fen, he has never been this sensitive, with just a slight touch from wang yibo seems to send electric current to his body, his body got overlying excited that his legs became soft and he had to use wang yibo body for support.

"It's been long since we have been intimate, it's understandable that i will react to your touches, because i love you and can't resist you." Zhan who didn't want wang yibo to know about his pregnancy answered after calming down, but still the hotness on his body is still there and he really wanted wang yibo to touch him and do more to quench the thirst and cool his hot body. But then they came here to eat, it's better to eat and have energy to play later.

Yibo just smiled and helped zhan sit down beside him, zhan who was about to speak froze when yibo started unbuttoning his shirt that he was wearing, he immediately caught wang yibos hand to stop his movements.

"What are you trying to do?" Zhan asked while looking at wang yibo suspiciously, he really can't be thinking of fooling around when they haven't eaten yet, and what if they're caught in a act when their food is delivered!.

"Don't worry let's play around while we wait for the food, the food will be brought thirty minutes later, and now i want to touch my beloved smooth body, let your good husband pleasure you." Yibo answered and with each word his eyes got even more darker, ah who was already blushing found himself shirtless, his nipples slightly erected because eaelier excitement.

Yibo picked zhan up, going to towards the bed that was not far, yibo placed zhan on the bed gently, then hovered on top of him, zhan placed his hands around Wang yibo neck and smiled shyly.

"My beloved is forever beautiful and young." Yibo said loud enough for xiao zhan to hear then claimed zhan lips for a kiss, zhan this time was well prepared and he immediately returned the kiss, yibo stopped kissing  zhan when he started gasping for air, yibo immediately continued to kiss while biting zhan neck leaving a number of red marks, zhan body which was already hot became even more hotter like fire has been ignited.

Yibo kisses moved downwards finally arriving at xiao zhan chest, the two little buds erected and looking very inviting, yibo used his tongue to lick xiao zhan nipple, seeing zhan reaction  yibo smirked then put zhan nipple in his mouth, and his other hand was playing with zhan other nipple, zhan whole body shuddered in excitement.

Yibo loved zhan moans and seeing zhan reacting like this made him hard, knowing that the food will soon be brought over, yibo decided to hurry up, zhan who was overly stimulated tried to push wang yibo sway, but failed, yibo assaulted his sensitive nipples together with his needy little brother  until he cried because of pleasure.

Yibo stopped his movements after xiao zhan cummed, licking xiao zhan tears away, yibo pecked zhans lips then moved away from the bed, straightening his dishelved clothes yibo touched his neck where zhan bite him and laughed when he saw traces of blood.

"Dress up babe, we have five minutes and the food will be delivered." Yibo said looking at xiao zhan who was looking at him like he has been bullied.

"You wanted to kill me with pleasure! It felt overly good and i told you to stop but you didn't stop!" Zhan complainer while pouting, his face, neck and ears red because of blushing.

"That explains that iam very good when pleasuring my dear beloved, we can continue later after eating, this time we will move to the next level."

Yibo words made xiao zhan to hide his face in embarrassment, even after being married to wang yibos for many year's he still feel so shy and embarrassed when wang yibo tease him.

Zhan got dressed and went back to sit on their respective chairs, minutes later the door was knocked, zhan volunteered to open the door and he froze when he saw who it was, he wondered since when her stepsister started working as a waiter at a restaurant, alot of ideas started going through his mind, did his father's business go bankrupt and now the family is finding another way to survive?.

"Y-you....?" Zhan who was surprised stuttered but then kept his mouth shut, he still remembers his husband's warning, stay away from Maria and never mention her name, yibo wondered what was taking xiao zhan so long to open the door, he was about to ask when he saw maria. Yibo gentle expression immediately changed, this woman seems to be very daring, she even dared to come here when he came here to have a good time with his beloved.

"Come here beloved, let the waiter serve the food." Yibo said and motioned xiao zhan to go back, zhan didn't dare to speak or hesitate, he immediately went back, before he could sit on his chair, yibo pulled him to sit on his thighs. Maria frowned and clenched her fingers into a fist. He knew xiao zhan who is pretending to be shy is doing this intentionally.

Maria who served the food bitterly couldn't take it anymore and slammed one of the forks on the table in anger while looking at wang yibo.

"Wang yibo i have something important i have to talk with you about, it concerns the ongoing project, it's urgent and will no longer wait." Maria shouted her eye's red like she will cry the next second.

Zhan looked at maria then his husband who didn't allow him to sit on his chair.

"Hubby i think their situation is not good, they might be in need of money that's why this girl is working here, did their business go bankrupt?" Zhan asked, yibo didn't expect xiao zhan could think like that, he couldn't help it but laugh, Maria on his other hand trembled in anger, xiao zhan is clearly making fun of her!.

Before Maria could speak yibo spoke first. "So you think her family is bankrupt? Why is my beloved getting even more cuter?" Yibo said lovingly, had zhan look at him and kissed him, Maria who heard enough of getting humiliated lifted her hand to hit xiao zhan, but her hand was immediately caught by wang yibo, his closed eyes opened and he looked at maria sharply making maria face to turn pale in an instant. And she subconsciously moved back and looked at her reddened hand which was hurt by wang yibos tight grasp.

"Wang yibo your clearly doing this on purpose! I did everything to meet you but you always avoid me! If it wasn't for my mother, you could have beer married my good for nothing brother! I was the one who is supposed to be your legal wife! I have money, i come from a well off family, sòon i with take over my father's company, unlike him who has nothing, the only thing he does is stay in your house and use your money!" Maria shouted while pointing at xiao zhan who was blinking his eyes in confusion.

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