To My Love: Hateful words

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I wanted to punch him. I wanted to hurt him and strangle him and kill him. Could a lady think such things about her kidnapper? Yes...yes she could. We sat and stared at each other for quite some time before blinking. It wasn't a friendly stare, it was a "sleep with one eye open" stare. I bet he thought the same things.
"What's your name?" the man asked as he tapped his foot on the floor obnoxiously.
"What's your name?" I asked back trying to annoy him.
"I asked you first." He said with an aggressive look.
I swallowed my air and let it all out in one big breath, "Ruth" I said while I tapped my fingernails on the wooden dinner table.
"James" he said while continuously tapping his foot. I cocked my brow at him in curiosity, but I wasn't really curious. I could tell James was getting annoyed at my expressions they kept leading him on. "Why do you wear that corset all the time? Even while you sleep." James said as he folded his hands under his chin and waited for my response.
"You watch me while I sleep?" I ask not really wanting to know the answer. James sighs and stands up, making his way over to my side of the table. I sunk into the cushioned chair and gave him a glare, letting him know to watch it. He leaned over at me almost touching his nose to mine. "I wouldn't dare." He said with a grin that creeped in the corner of his mouth. He disgusted me and I wanted him to be disgusted by me. I wanted him to let me leave and go back to starving and living on the streets. Being here was miserable and pointless.
I turned my face away from James and folded my arms on my chest. I could no longer see his face. It made me feel like his eyes were burning into the back of my skull. Soon I could feel his breath on my hair. I would not look at him. I may have been so stubborn to keep myself from giving in to his deadly stare.
Finally, he grabs my chin and forcefully turns my face to him. "Besides you are too skinny and ugly for me to want to take you to my bed." He whispered in my ear. I gulped my pride. My mother always called me beautiful when I was young but I hadn't ever heard it from a male. My heart cracked at the words ugly. Could I be so vein to think I was beautiful.
I looked at him with an empty emotion. I did not dare let me him see I was even hurt by his meaningless words. I ripped my face from his hands and he clutched his fist like he was still holding on. "Why am I here?" I said gritting my teeth in the sight of his smug face.
"I'm looking for a wife and I'm looking for power." James said as he walked away, gliding his finger on the table and letting it collect dust. I sat there still sunken in the seat. Once I heard his words I was in disgrace. How nieve could he be to think I was powerful and that I would even consider marrying him.
I stood up from the seat quickly and spit words at him like I wanted them to stick to his head. "I am not powerful nor would I ever marry a donkeys ass such as you." As I walked toward him I stopped and stood there for a moment to let him respond. James turned and rubbed his two dusty fingers together and let the dirt fall. "So you mean to tell me that I am not standing in the same room as the magical redheaded bastard of the king? The rightful heir to the throne?"
Before I knew it my feet were storming over to him. He stood there silent and tall. He had confidence that I wouldn't do anything. My mouth wanted to burst with words and screams. You know nothing about me. Do not tell me who I am. You have no idea what I've been through. I let those words play in my head and I was about to let them out until I saw his mouth move.
"The kings mistake."
My eyes widened and I bursted. "Do not tell me about my life! I will never marry you I will strangle myself with a shoe lace before I love you!!" He giggled at my words like they went straight through him. I put my finger in his face "oh you-" I hissed at him before he gently put my hand down.
"I need to be king. And you want to be queen. To do that you need to claim the throne and marry me."He said with a pleading look. He was convincing, but after the terrible things he had already said to me, I could not be convinced. I raised my face to meet eye to eye with him and whispered in a stern tone. "Go to hell." I turned and walked away.
"I can protect you." He shouted my way as if I had walked a mile from him. I stopped and turned to look at him. His emotion was confusing. It was as if he was begging me. But the sound rang in my ear. The favor in return.

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