To My Love: James

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I sat alone at the table and ate the hard boiled egg that sat in front of me on the gold china. I heard her feet come down the stairs. I quickly straightened myself up and picked up the newspaper sitting next to me. I placed my reading glasses on my face and crossed my legs. I couldn't let her know I heard her coming. She stepped into the room in her nightclothes. I loved it when she wore nothing but a nightgown around the house. She was a rebel. She did not follow the fine print on the paper to be a proper lady. I looked up from my paper to watch her creep over to her seat and sit down quickly but very quiet. She was trying to sneak up on me. Her red hair peeked above my paper. I couldn't let her know I knew she was there.
She giggled and I looked up. "Ruth" "fancy seeing you here." I teased. She sipped on her wine and almost spilled it. "Oops" she whispered and began to laugh loudly with no control. I cocked my brow in confusion. I had no clue what was wrong with her. "Are you feeling well Ruth?" I asked and put down my glasses. "Oh yes, yes James I am so well." She said while taking another sip. Her words were slurring and she could say a full sentence without acting a fool. She drunk. Oh the things I had planned tonight that I will have to cancel because of this. I was furious. I had seen drunk girls and women before but Ruth was on another level of drunk. She must've drank two bottles without taking a breath. "Are you drunk?" I asked with a concern tone like I didn't already know. I was really good at pretending and she was really bad at figuring me out.
"Shhhh, don't tell people that!" She yelled across the room like she wanted the neighbors to hear. "No you shhh! You will have the guard called on us." I whispered. "Oh whatever James, all you care about is kings guard and thrones and we'll- I don't know but it's so pointless." She said while sliding down in her chair. I sat there in silence waiting for her to continue. "We never have any fun, like any! We are always working and writing and..." she began to lean in and I did too. "Forging! Shhhhh!" She began to laugh again like it was the funniest joke ever.
"Ruth you are drunk, how many have you had to drink." I said while standing up to go over to her. "How many? Um...only one." She said it like she was in trouble and she was going to get smacked on the butt with a ruler, which didn't seem like too bad of an idea. "One of what Ruth?" I asked.
"Oh you shut up you just shut up, I can have a bottle of whiskey if I want." She insisted while crossing her arms and making a pouty face. She reminded me of a child when she got angry. "Now Ruth I think you need to rest." I said as I attempted to pick her up from the chair. "No! I just rested!" She grunted and pushed me off. I was shocked and already angry from the consequences I had to pay for these actions. "Now Ruth I'm tired of your foolishness, so you need to get your boney ass up those stairs into that room NOW!" I shouted and scared myself.She jumped and looked at me in a shocked manner. I felt a stain on my heart from scaring her. I did not mean to frighten her but I felt as if she needed to know who was boss. She looked at me with an angry eye. She stood up with a wobble to her step and huffed at me. She walked away slowly but quickly and then passed out.
I was at a loss for words. This women had entered my life and complete changed it in just a month. I walked over to her and checked if she was still breathing. She snores like a grown soldier. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and began to carry her up the steps. Her bare butt was exposed to my sight but I didn't care. She was anything but attractive to me in this moment. She began to mumble and wake up again before I put her on the bed. I grabbed her comforter and laid it over her legs and tucked them in. She grabbed my hand and looked at me with shallow thoughts. Not a single bit of consciousness in her eyes. Just a drunkin mind. "James..." she whispered. She closed her eyes again as if she couldn't keep them open. "What Ruth." I said with an annoyed tone. "Touch me." She moaned. My eyes widened and then became low. She was drunk enough to say anything, but she chose to say that. She must have been dreaming of some other man that she had when she had a title. It made me jealous. It almost made me forget she was drunk and talking nonsense. She laid there feeling her body as if she was begging for someone to touch her. "Touch me please." She moaned again. "Ruth just sleep." I insisted. I looked down at her and she continued to squirm in her own lust. "Please James!" She shouted. I became frustrated with her. How could she lead me into doing this to her. I knew she was not Ruth she was drunk and that's what made it wrong.
I looked down at her and huffed "fine!" I poked her. "There is that what you want?" I knew it wasn't what she meant but it made it seem innocent. "No!" She shouted as she grabbed my hand and put it on her breast. I had become full of lust for her. But it was so wrong to even think this way in her condition. I didn't stop her, I let her continue to feel herself with my hand. Kissing it and rubbing her body with it. Until she began to move to her legs. I yanked away my hand and stood up. She went unconscious and began to snore again. Was she teasing me? I ran out of the room into my chambers. I thought about it all night. I thought about the fact that...I liked it.

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