Part 5- Freeze

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I slid down the railing of the stairs ready for the day. The soreness that usually pricked my back was almost numb as adrenaline soared through me, while my legs had regained energy. A mattress had never felt so good. Sleeping on the hard concrete streets half my life did no good.

Waiting for the ruckus to hit my ears I remained at the bottom of the railing. Remaining still my mind pondered between two things. Although number two was likely what was happening, groaning at the fact all the Newsies were still sleeping. We were in the middle of a strike and just because they weren't selling papes didn't mean they have an automatic pass to sleep in.

Stepping into the room I revealed myself while my eyes skimmed the bunks. Not to my surprise everyone was sound asleep. Snoring was heard throughout the confined space as limbs were laid over the edges of mattresses, while blankets dangled off hanging on by a thread.

"Get up boys! We gota Strike ta win!" I yelled with an annoyed tone.

Groans and 'seriously' came from around the room, the usual overused words. A couple rose into a sitting position in their bunks while some remained still and others looked up and grabbed their caps to lay back over their eyes. Still no one got up and some blankly stared looking like they'd never seen another human in their life.

"Why we'se gota get ups so early when we don't gota sell papes?" Someone asked in a raspy morning voice.

Multiple mumbled agreed to the statement.

"Come ons! You'se guys don't remembers? We'se gota go ta Hattan and wins us a fight against da scabbers!" I called out walking around one bunk and hitting the familiar newsie in the stomach.

General sprawled out with a groan, holding his stomach while his eyes squeezed shut. His hand swatted around trying to reach out for whose fist collided into his sleeping form. I giggled at the sight of the half asleep boy desperately trying to find whoever hit him. Jumping up on the bed railing I could finally reach the bunk above the complaining newsie. Catching sight of ruffled up brown hair laying peacefully against a pillow while one plain white blanket laid at the foot of the bed. My fist raised up just as grey orbs shot open, almost knowing what I was about to do.

"Ight we'se getting ups!" Catch sat up his hands raised in surrender.

A smile was plastered across my face as his hands remained in an upward position. My gaze traveled to his bare chest now revealed when he'd turned over. Quickly I looked away focusing on anything else before I met the wooden floor. I should be used to it already as I lived with all the boy newsies, but seeing my best friend was different. I'm not complaining but I'd never get used to seeing Catch.

Jumping off the bunk I shook my head turning back to see if anyone else had gotten up. Some had while the rest laid too soundly trying to fall back asleep.

"Well hurry ups! You'se guys are slow!"

Slowly the bathroom began to crowd. How do they even get ready? I thought. Opening the door to outside I was met with a calm breeze and fresh air from the smell of boys. Relieved I left it open and leaned against the wall beside the door while crossing my arms. Catch came bounding out of the mess, almost tripping, still tightening up and slinging his suspenders over his shoulder.

Chaos soon started as water was flung across the room and retaliated back by much more. Leaning my head back I waited for it to stop as Catch only chuckled from beside me. Soon a newise called Moe walked past to get outside followed by a few more. I thanked no one in particular in my mind.

"Mornin' Shifty," Moe said while making his way out.

I simply nodded watching the rest walk behind him. A few more minutes passed before I got tired of waiting and I made my outside, looking around to see how many had made it out. The sun just started to shine down partially blinding me for a moment. Catch had stayed inside as I heard his voice telling stragglers to hurry up.

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