Chapter 18

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We had walked for about five minutes in complete silence. And it wasn't the nice, companionable kind of silence that you have with your friends, or someone close, when you just sit and think. It was really, really awkward.

We were walking side by side, and really close. We kinda had to be close, cause the trees were tightly packed in these dense woods, causing you to have to be close so the other person doesn't run into any trees.

The silence was kinda nice, for I had a lot to think about, but I found it impossible to do any thinking with Percy right beside me, and it didn't help that our shoulders and hands were touching because of the small space. Despite my jitteriness and butterflies, I forced myself to have a calm outward appearance, matching Percy's. Right now, I didn't like that he had a calm appearance, cause that meant you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

I couldn't take the silence any longer. I cleared my throat, and began shakily, "So... where's your sword? I thought you would bring it with you, considering you have to be protecting me and all." I finished with a scoff. I was still miffed at Thalia, thinking I would be fine on my own.

Percy chuckled about something that I was unaware of, then said, "I have it with me, it's just that Riptide is a... unique sword."

I looked at him curiously, "Riptide is the name? And what do you mean? Where is it? Is it celestial bronze? Who did you get it from? Wha-"

Percy started laughing, "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold your horses! I can only answer one at a time, Wise Girl."

I blushed, regretting my outburst of sudden questions.

"Sorry," I muttered sheepishly.

He chuckled, "S'okay. Anyways, from the start. Yes, Riptide is its name, I mean that it is… unique. I'll show you later. It's in my pocket. Yep, it's celestial bronze, and I got it from my father. Did I get them all?"

I smiled, and answered jokingly, "Yes, sir."

"I like that. 'Sir.' You should call me that more often." He said thoughtfully.

I laughed, "Yeah, whatever."

Percy put his hand to his ear, saying "Excuse me? Whatever… what?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nope. I'm not gonna say it."

"Say it," He said with a commanding tone, but it had a joking edge to it.

I smiled, "Nope. You can't make me."

He grinned evilly, "Oh, but I can."

Snorting, I said doubtfully, "Yeah, right."

He gave me a look that made one thought come into my mind. Run.

I tried to start running away from him, but his hands shot out and grabbed my shoulders, flipping me around. His hands went to my waist and he started tickling me relentlessly. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe.

Finally, I couldn't take the torture any more, I panted, "Wha..tever… SIR! STOP! Percy! Seaweed Brain! St..oo…pp!"

When he finally stopped, I almost fell over, out of breath. But Percy caught me, and pulled me back up, but his arms stayed around me.

"You see, I could get you to say it," he said triumphantly.

I rolled my eyes again, making him mimic me with incredible exaggeration. But he paused with his eyes pointed towards the heaven.

"Woah. Look at the stars! Can you see the constellation of Hercules?" He said with increduality.

I gazed upwards, my breath catching at the sight of the bright and natural lights that were painting the sky, making it look like a connect the dots thing that kids like to do.

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