Chapter 58

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I didn't see at first when I woke up, I just heard. But really, there wasn't much to hear. I could hear distant talking and moving, but it was muffled, as if I was separated from the sounds by a wall.

I pried my eyes open, finding myself staring at the ceiling of a tent. It wasn't too bright, but I still squinted a little, letting in a minimal amount of light as my eyes got used to it.

Once my eyes allowed me to look farther, I studied my surroundings. I was laying on a small cot in the corner of a tent. The battle tent, the only one on the small island that Hazel made. The muffled talking became a bit more clear, but I still couldn't make out any words.

My head hurt, a pounding sound issuing from the base of my skull sounding like the rocks that had fallen in the cave during the battle.

The battle. My mind latched onto those words, freeing bunched up thoughts and letting them pour into me. What had happened? Where was everybody? How am I out of the cave? Last I remembered was blacking out while the cave collapsed. How was I still alive? Am I alive? Suddenly a lancing pain slashed through me, making stars appear and I desperately squeezed my eyes shut, anxious to rid myself of them. But the stars stayed in the darkness, turning a flashing yellow and blue and red.

Yep, I was alive. Unfortunately.

The throbbing in my head was relentless and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

Annabeth. Jason and Leo. And the Questers. Where were they? How did they get out? Were they okay? Oh gods, if they were hurt, and it was my fault because I started the earthquake and couldn't stop it...

Panic overtook me, and I tried to move. I heard a startle grunt at my thrashing, and my eyes shot to a figure sitting beside the cot in a chair. Leo stared at me with wide eyes when he saw me looking at him.

"You're awake!" Then he grabbed the arms of the chair, bolting upright and rushing out of the tent. "Stay put! I'll go get someone!" He didn't leave me any time to reply, disappearing outside. When the tent flap closed, I tried to sit up.

I managed to get myself off the bed, and instantly the stars returned, but they brought some new friends the birds. And more pain. The room started to spin, but slowly it settled. I waited, panting and sweating for a moment from the effort, then I swung my legs over the side of the cot, still sitting. Seeing Leo had sent a bolt of relief through me. If he had gotten out, the others might have too. If they hadn't, I would never forgive myself.

I put my head in my hands, as if I could draw away the splitting migraine by shielding my face from the still slightly spinning room. I heard the tent open again, and I glanced up. Three people entered, but the sun from behind them silhouetted their figures. I narrowed my eyes, trying to make them out, but not until the flap closed again could I see them fully.

Leo was leading Annabeth and Nico, and I had never been so glad to see their faces before. They all looked relieved at seeing me sitting upright and conscious. I tried to stand as they rushed over to me, but I decided against it when the room threatened to dance around once more.

Annabeth reached me first, throwing her arms around me in a tight embrace. It kinda hurt my head, but I was way too relieved and happy to see her safe to complain. I hugged her back as best as I could, hiding my head in her shoulder and breathing her in like much needed oxygen.

"Thank the gods you're awake," Annabeth exclaimed, leaning back. "I thought you'd never wake up."

"How long have I been out?" I asked, still moving slowly.

"About a day and a half," Nico said, sitting on the end of the cot.

My eyebrows rose. "That long? What happened? Where is everybody? Are they alright? Did everybody make it out?"

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