II . Get Her

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It was over 70 years since Steve went into the ice. No sign of aging has appeared yet. Dana died years ago during a mission. I couldn't sleep due to the guilt that I could've saved her and Steve "Miss Jordan, I'm so sorry but she's gone," The nurse says. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. I got down the street and saw a bunch of black cars in my driveway. I park, a man steps out and removes his black sunglasses and tucks them in between the pocket of his suit, and extends his hand out for me to shake "Miss Aerin Jordan, I am Agent Coulson we are SHIELD. Upon special request, we are gonna need you to come with us." "Sorry you have the wrong person-"Coulson cuts me off "Miss Jordan, this is offer is not negotiable," I shake my head "I don't wanna be responsible for any more lives. I can't go back into war, I refuse to." Dana sacrificed herself for me, that bullet was meant for me, her fate was determined by that stupid bullet. "Listen, I couldn't even save my best friend- best friends, I'm not going to war again." I shove past the men and reach my door, battling to unlock the door my keys hit the ground making a loud noise from the collision. "Shit," I grumble, another guy in a black suit picks up the key. "Miss Jordan, I'm afraid I can't let you do that," I take a deep breath. A bright yellow voltage of energy dashes around my entire body, my eyes light up white. I blast the men into the ground, some men utter a few curse words before regaining their ground. "Get her," the men run up from behind me and clasp some kind of metal cuffs onto my hands, they load me into a black Escalade and drive off. I get out and notice I'm in some type of building. I notice a woman with short orangish-red hair and a tall blonde man in a tan leather jacket. The blonde man slips a black guy a bill as he looks around in awe. I walk up closer after the men took off the cuffs from my hands and notice who he is. "Steve?" The man whips his head towards me, "Aeri?" He holds his arms out to me, "Aeri! Hey," he hugs me tightly. "Okay, super soldier put me down," I laugh gasping for air." Sorry, sorry" he lets go. I notice we get weird stares from everyone there when we walk inside especially from the red-headed woman, "y'all know each other?" I raise a brow "I'm sorry you are?" She laughs holding out her hand "Natasha, call me Nat." I give her a small smile, "my name is-" Nat interrupts me "Aerin, I know Steve doesn't stop talking about you." She juts her thumb towards Steve, "anyways, how do you know Steve?" I rub my temples in an attempt to remember, "I fought World War two with him, well not with him but I met him while I was doing a mission." Steve rest his elbow on my shoulder "speaking of which I have to apologize, I should've said goodbye it was wrong of me to stress you out like that," I blink back tears, "I figured out I have powers, that could've been helpful 70 years ago." I laugh to lighten up the mood, " which could also explain why I don't age." "That's great Aeri" Steve exclaims wide-eyed "Yeah, maybe I have more powers than I know." I look down, "I don't know. Maybe it was an insane coincidence." Steve eye shift from excitement to sympathy "It's not just 'an insane coincidence', your just a special as you were in the forties." He winks. "Uh Steve Roger, I mean Mister Rogers, I mean Mister America," Coulson says stepping aside as a guy with an eyepatch appears behind him."This her?" He asks forming some sort of smile, "welcome aboard, I'm Agent Fury," the eyepatch man greets twisting a ten-dollar bill in between his fingers. The area we were on begins to lift in mid air. I notice a taller man. His hair was in short, blond tresses that fell around base of his neck and a giant hammer, another man with a brown coat and there's a man in a strange red and gold metal suit and a big source of light gleaming from his chest. Before he opens his mouth to speak they get a call, "Loki has located the tesseract," the guy with the eyepatch guy, Fury says. "Hey pretty lady, names' Tony" he winks, walking by me and into a lab room. After a few minutes we enter some sort of lab and I see the same blonde man enter and the guy now in a lab coat and Tony working on a project of some kind, I assume was part of the mission. "Aerin we need you for a minute," Agent Coulson and Hill request. "We need an eye on Loki, we'd think you could just watch him, just until we the avengers start some sort of planning," I nod agreeing to watch the supposedly dangerous man. "Uh are you Loki?" I asked, "What might you need, Midgardian? To question me? " His voice low are gravelly. "I'm just here to watch you, got any snarky comments you wanna add?" I say hoping he'd be distracted enough for the "Avengers" as Agent Hill called them got done with their planning. "Oh, no. I don't have anything else to say, I suggest you get back to your friend, well the ones you have left that is." My body froze stiff, I couldn't even think. "What did you just say?" I inch closer to the glass cell keeping him contained, "you don't know anything about my life, Lacki. So don't pretend you do," he scrunches his face. "It's Loki, and I just might," - continue here Yavette ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ When I get back Steve is prevailing in front of the once metal suited guy arguing, "big man in a suit of armor, take that off what are you?" Steve steps closer to him. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," Nat agrees, tilting her head. "I know guys with none of that worth ten of you, I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself." Steve leans in towards Tony " you're not the guy to make a sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you." Steve's voice veers low "I think I would just cut the wire." The shorter brunette man says, Steve smiles almost scowling. "Always a way out, you know you may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero" Steve's eyes grow dark "A hero, like you? You're a laboratory experiment Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle" Tony says mockingly. "Put on a suit let's go a few rounds," Steve challenges The tall man chuckles "you people are so petty, and tiny." He twists his face up in a disoriented way, The Fury sucks in a breath and looks at Nat. "Agent Romanoff, would you escort Doctor Banner back to his-" The guy who I assume is Banner interrupts, " Where? You rented my room." Fury turns toward Banner "The cell was just in" "Case you needed to kill me? But you can't I know, I tried. I got low, I didn't see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk. Do you want to know my secret agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm." Fury removes the strap from around his gun "Banner, put down the scepter." Steve talks just above a whisper. Banner looks down at his hand visually bewildered why it's in his hand. A series of high pitched beeps come from a machine "Got it," "Sorry kids, you don't get to see my party trick after all" Banner rushes off. "Located the tesseract-" "I could get there," "The tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it," the blonde man says. Tony steps forward in an attempt to walk forward, Steve rushes his hand in front of the brunette, "You're not going alone." "You gonna stop me?" The shorter man taunts. "Put on the suit let's find out," "I'm not afraid the hit an old man." Both men stand up against each other. "Put on the suit," Banner connects to the coordinates of the threat. "Oh my god," he turns toward us. I hadn't said a word, for better or for worse. Apart from my consciousness's thoughts, an explosion went off blasting us in different directions. Steve gets up in a panic, "Put on the suit," he says in more of a hurried way than a challenging way and head toward the wall and I follow."Yeah." Tony hurries to his feet. I lay unconscious on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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