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"Mione, I know you have trouble believe what I said...because of that ex of yours, but you really do mean a lot to me. Rose is my lady bug, who needs to come join the bed." Kyle said. Even thought Hermione had a light smile on her face, she shook her head. "Matt doesn't think that's wise. Matt is enjoying being over ran with the babies. I think he is pleased with George being pregnant with twins and there's going to be a lot of babies coming." Hermione pointed out. "Matt, I was told, even when they, him and

His twin, were going up. He was always good with babies. I get...he was raising me and the others, but I'm still unsure why he didn't find a way to have his own kid, before now. Even then, he wasn't planning it. He just...I haven't seen him really happy thought like I do now." Kyle said, feeling a kiss on his cheek. "Draco also said something about he does truly seem happier. He is. I also know he can still have a trigger, they both can. Oh...Molly made you something." She said kind of embarrassed, before climbing

Out of the bed. "Oh, that sweater my brother has? I get why one was made for him, but me? I thought ron was her kid?" Kyle said, easing to the foot of the bed. "She has always looked out for and Harry. My parents...I never let them know much about what was going on in the world, in fact...I really haven't talked to them in a while. She's...like my mom too, and she hasn't been the same either since Fred was killed. So yes, you got one too. I really should dig out my old one

With how cold it can get around Leo's room." Hermione said and he smiled lightly. "Well, I think that's sweet. Grab it later. Come lay with me? That medicine is kicking in." Kyle half one.
"Do I need to let you up?" Matt asked her, about an hour later when he came to check on Kyle, who had a death grip on her. Even in his sleep. "No, I should go to sleep soon." She said, and he pulled the blanket up over them. "Alright, just let me know. He should sleep a while." Matt said. "Thank you...care if

I ask something?" Hermione asked and Matt eased to sit on the bed. "Kyle is just now 19, Hermione. Something that isn't really know, because everybody around us knew about...what happened. However...Kyle, Kaylee, Kelsey and Nell were all very young. Kyle and Kaylee are twins..., Kelsey is just ten months older, all three have the same father And Nell is two older then her. A boy. I raised four kids pretty much, and had to keep how many others together? I had teenagers to deal with for so long, watching what became my babies grow. Kyle...has always

Been what they called my boy though. The others grew out of it....I suppose once the twins were about fourteen, I thought about maybe having my own, but any guy I got with, wasn't to pleased with me pretty much having four teenagers. Real turn off, so, it just never worked out until now." Matt said. "He...never once even hinted the fact he might be a twin. I guess they Aren't close?" She asked. "Not really. A boy/girl twin and with their sister being so close to them, the girls got together and Kyle was often left

Out. Always coming to find me...We played a lot, actually. He is a good boy." Matt said. "I don't know if somebody has told you this, but you did right by them. You kept your family together and I know Kyle is very thankful for that. Even if he isn't close to his other siblings, he is very close to you." Hermione said, but their conversation had woken Kyle somewhat who whined. "...Matty, hushy." He fussed, rolled over. Meaning Hermione was free form his grip, but Matt hand went to his forehead. He knew the medicine should have kept

His baby brother asleep. "Can you go grab my bag, or actually-" Hermione shook her head and smiled lightly. She understood. "I'll go get it." She said. "Kyle, your temperature is back. Let's get you back in the shower." Matt said, easing Kyle to sit up and he shook his head. "I know you don't feel good, but I know you don't want to have to go to the hospital, so come on." Matt said, and Kyle let him walk him to the bathroom.
Roughly an hour later, Kyle laid asleep again, in the bed. His fever lower, but not

Fully gone. "Can you see if Molly will come get Rose and Fred? I think I want to admit him. I can get him stronger meds, and be sure the fever isn't hurting him. I don't think it is, but I have to be sure." Matt said. "Actually...I want to call somebody else. Molly has the same problem Fred has. She isn't vaccinated either." Hermione said. "I trust you. Just call me when you are on the way to the hospital, okay?" Matt said and she nodded.
Kyle wasn't the happiest when he woke up the next morning in

The hospital, but Hermione was by his side. It made it easier for him not to fight more of doctor Matt, then his brother, and made for a less lonely time. "How...come you didn't tell me about Kaylee or Kelsey?" Hermione said and after a pause. "It...wasn't really that important, at least not to me. We aren't close, I'm sure she hates me at this point. Always thought I was a tattle tell, but I didn't want her getting hurt. She just left at sixteen and Matt might have an update, but I don't. Kelsey comes and goes

From the house." Kyle said.

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