Thank you!

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         So... I don't want to keep you from reading but there are a few things you need to know... This story dates back to 1854 so some things could be a little irritating at first but power through that if you want! I'm a big historical geek so there might be some words or terms that could possibly confuse some. There is little cussing in this story just a very words that in England at the time were slightly acceptable, of course taking in counting your class and gender! (the words consist of damn, hell, and bloody(for all the British I know that ain't a cuss word but I'm American okay).).  

          There is mildly any adult scenes maybe just severe kissing but nothing really more ( she says while side eyeing). I'm quite not comfy  with writing those scenes but I could read them its weird. And taking in count that this is Victorian England thats very unacceptable. 

          I do want to mention that I'm going to try a base a lot on history apart from the plot and all, but I'm going to be taking a few creative liberties here like for example the school. I have it written so that women can live in the boarding school for all men as well but historically that I don't think is accurate. 

         One last thing! There is going to be depictions of blood and organs so if you have a weak stomach to that I advise you not to read but its completely up to you! Also there might be other trigger warnings as well I don't particularly know much as I'm still plotting a few things down currently. So feel free on letting me now in the future if there scenes/chapters with trigger warnings so I could list them down here:

         Thank you for giving this murder mystery, boarding school, story a chance and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! 

(also one more thing!) At the time of writing this I going to update weekly! So just clarify a chapter a week. I'm going to be starting you off with the first three chapters but from that point it's one a week. I'll try to get them out on Thursdays at 6pm EST

Okay with all that said and out of the way may I present you with: Autumn of Hell 

Autumn of HellWhere stories live. Discover now