Chapter 2

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Location: Entry Hallway 

Approaching Cora. The woman who was calling my name. She seemed excited which lifted my spirits. Hoping she couldn't see my very rosy cheeks, I took her arm which she had out waiting for me.

"I have someone for you to meet Kate! She is Professor Laurent's niece and such a sweet lady! She is going to be staying here for the semester." Cora said with ease. I could tell she's probably already made this mysterious girl at home. That's just Cora. As she was leading me towards the entrance of the building I caught a glimpse of Mr. Devil. Sitting alone studying his notes-or- is that a book? I wished I had time to really read the title but all I could make out was 'Romance of' before Cora dragged me in the other room.

I am quickly greeted by a young lady in a gorgeous dress. Blue with gold accents. Her blonde curls sitting perfectly on her shoulders with half of it pinned up, "Je m'appelle Sylvie, et toi?" she said with a thick french accent.

Grateful for the French lessons I took before attending 'Warefie' I replied with my best French, hoping not to offend her, "Je m'appelle Kathryn. Tu parles anglais par hasard?"

She giggled, "Oui, a little. Your French is excellent mon chéri! I presume that Cora here has already told you who I am and all. Je suis very ravi de rester ici. Perhaps all three of us could explore the building!" She spoke so beautifully. I thought her French was perfect but her English was like she was fluent in it apart from the thick accent. She looked between Cora then me waiting for a response.

"I hate to disappoint but Kathryn simply does not have the time. I'm pleased to say that she is the only female in this building that attends class and that takes far too much of her time." Cora kindly answered for me.

"Oh,", Sylvie gasped "That would explain, la apparition de la belle dame alors."

I'm not that acquainted with her native language but I believe she insulted the way I looked. I snuck a peek at what I was wearing; a long brown skirt with a bustle, under the skirt was a petticoat that peaked out at the bottom. Along with my skirts I wore a white blouse that had rifles in the center of the bodice. I wore a pendant at my neck where the top stopped. It was a simple lily design: my favorite flower.

"It's quite comfortable for sitting around all day." I reasoned.

Sylvie seemed to understand but I could still see a hint of distasteful judgement behind her ruby-brown eyes. It didn't matter to me what she had thought with that notion, "I must get something in my stomach before next class starts. Au revoir."

Without waiting for any response I turned around and headed straight out. Now in the cafeteria and away from any eyes that might look at me thinking I'm improper. I grabbed the tray of food the staff had left for me and sat down. Pulling out my notes I looked over them. Not much I had written, just the angry emotions I felt toward my teacher and classmate.

Realizing that my notes weren't really notes at all I started to pack them up and them away

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Realizing that my notes weren't really notes at all I started to pack them up and them away. Until an ink -stained hand stopped my own. Very lightly brushing over my own. There was a sense of warmth and shock. I quickly shifted in the seat to see who had dastardly touched me.

I saw the same green eyes that I had seen in the hall. Lawrence smirked once my gaze met his own. "So I suppose I'm the Devil Himself then?"

I just stared at him. He was looking over my shoulder. The anger returned back into my body and I couldn't help but say, "You only prove my point further on."

His smirk only grew into a playful smile. "I truly would prefer a nickname like, Devilishly Handsome or–"

I cut him off "What about scoundrel?"

He laughed in reply, "You know, I like it. But can I be a devilishly handsome scoundrel?"

"Don't try your luck." I gave him a pity smile. "Now if you would excuse me.."

"Not before I get your name!" he insisted

I mustered up some confidence then immediately lost it all when those emerald eyes searched my own. "Or will I have to call you 'Mystery girl'?"

I must've blushed as I felt a rush of warmth in my core. "Well then Scoundrel, I guess that's your only opinion here." I tried to hold back my smile but failed.

Ring, ring.

"Class!" Lawrence yelled softly. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at me. "Walk with me would you?"

Surprised by his offer. I held a hand to my chest. If I walked with him to class we could start new and become friends and if I don't we'll most likely continue down this path. Then like he could read my thoughts he offered his hand out and I accepted it. He helped me up and we headed for class. Maybe he's more of a gentleman than I first thought.

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