Chapter 1

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 The class room was big. Curved ceilings making echos every time someone coughed. Books along the walls and a class eager to learn. Professor Inklin walking from behind his desk to the front. Pacing in front of the class, making me nervous. 

I could barely see him let alone his chalk board. Sitting in the far back of the room away from any of my peers I was grateful for the loud deep voice that he inhabited. The sound of my peers scratching down notes as fast as the Professor was stating them waved through the air. I was doing so as well. Although probably a little bit neater has I have the precise hand of a woman.

"As you know, the best literature pieces are ones that come from the heart. Ones that can give emotion that can bring the heart to tears." Professor stated

Yeah with what emotion, I wanted to sneer. No one wants to cry every time they pick up a book. Life is already horrid . We don't need to read about some man complaining that his woman won't satisfy him.

"The mind makes up a lot of things. Including ruthless horror stories known as fiction. Why do these types of stories get no attention? Anybody?"

Seriously, did he really just call fiction horrid. I'll show him bloody horrid. Then my attention flickered from the Professor to a brown haired student. His hand was the only one that found its way in the air. The Professor nodded his head toward him while relaxing his body on the edge of his wooden desk, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Because no one wants to live in a fictional world. It's quite unethical really." the student said trying to hold back laughter. "These pieces of literature mess up the mind with the unrealistic ideals. The way they run free and all, I'd say can drive people to insanity."

"Good, Good! Note that down on your parchment class. Thank you Mr. Morgan for such a brilliant answer!" Professor said with a gleam of sunshine in his eye.

Yeah, I'll write down that Lawrence is the Devil himself attending class. He drives me mad. How can one say that! How can one be so blind to the truth. Fiction is more than just so called "false" words spilled in between bindings. It's a world open to possibilities and the fact that the Professor and Mr. the Devil himself have the audacity to fact out lies, now that is horrid.

Getting deeply lost in thought and anger, time must've flew by. The bell caught me by surprise and woke me from my thought slumber. Watching the boys all stand up as soon as the high pitch met their ears. Quickly I did the same. I don't want to draw even more attention to myself. Placing the rolled up parchment in my bag, I started to head out with the rest of the crowd.

Making my way towards the cafeteria for lunch I bumped into someone by accident. Damn me for always looking at the floor when I walk to and from class. Closing my eyes and slowly lifting my face to the peer I bumped into. I opened my eyes and with shock took a step back. My eyes gently meet his green eyes. Emeralds. His eyes looked like emeralds. I admired them for a quiet moment before he opened his mouth. "Not even gonna apologize. I see."

Scoundrel. This man expects me to apologize! I know I was the one who bumped into him but he was the supposed gentleman, "I-I"

Damn! I couldn't say anything other then that! What the hell is wrong with you Kathryn! I was mad all over the place. Take deep breaths Kate. With that I inhaled and exhaled, doing that gave me the courage to muster out, " I see, I have to be the gentleman here. Like always"

"Oh," a surprised look replaced the slight annoyance that was there just seconds before. "It's okay, expressions say just as or more than words." He smirked then turned on his heel and continued the path I so rudely interrupted. What was he even talking about? How impolite! He couldn't even-

"My name is Lawrence Morgan. You can call me Lawrence." he offered. His hands in his pockets awaiting an answer. Even from a far distance his green eyes distracted me.

"I-I," I breathed in and out, "I think I'll stick with Mr. Morgan." I replied

Satisfied by my reply he walked away. Hands still in pockets but the way he walked made him seem happy. Trying to reclaim myself I noticed how warm my cheeks were. Damn it! Why did he make me blush. He was nothing more than a scoundrel, probably looking for fun just for a night. With that thought my cheeks grew hotter. Not knowing if it's because the thought of seeing under different circumstances and- How inappropriate! Shocked by my own thoughts I tensed my shoulders then released.

"Kathryn! Kathryn!" I heard my name being called from afar. Standing in the empty hallway for just one more second I walked towards the sound of my name.

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