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"Jacobsen? She'll see you now."

Errick stood up, running a hand through his hair and nodding in acknowledgement as he stepped through the doorway nearest to him.

"Take a seat, Alpha." Admiral Stronte. He still thought it had been a bad idea to promote her.

He shook his head. "I'd rather stand."

The woman shrugged, flipping through some paperwork, uninterested in him. "As you wish."

A beat passed before she finally looked up at him, a frown painted across her features.

"Everything alright?" Errick asked lightly.

Another pause. "Yes. I'm just reviewing your, uh, assigned team. I suppose there's no reason to withhold this from you any longer."

Eyes flicking down to the paperwork and then back at him, she indicated for Errick to take the pile. "That's all that you need to know. I recommend a team meeting before tomorrow's takeoff. Or you can assess them individually, whatever you feel is necessary."

He nodded politely, balancing them in his arms. "Thanks."

Stronte dumped a set of keys on top of the information. "Bay 8. Don't lose them. Oh, and Alpha?"

"Errick," he corrected.

She pursed her lips. "Errick. Good luck. I have a feeling you may need it."

"Yeah, I have a feeling I'm going to win this one, man," The boxer currently warming up climbed over the rope, grinning. "I'm the best, after all."

The doors to the training room flew open and a young man strode into the ring, an air of confidence about him. His hair was a deep blue from what looked to be a bad dye job, but it complemented his dark skin and eyes. He looked like he'd just come out of his own training, but it was hard to tell as he showed no signs of sweating. The first boxer went pale, and he was definitely sweating.

"Your usual training partner is unwell, so I hope you don't mind my replacing him."

"No, of course not," the boxer laughed nervously. "It'll be an even easier win for me."

His friend backed away as if to say 'you're on your own, mate'. 

The new arrival removed his belt full of weapons, and the other man visibly gulped. "I'll go easy on you."

The match ended in a minute. The boaster was left whimpering, running to his friend who was waiting on the side. They both looked a little shook.

A smile played at the winner's lips. "Anyone else?"

Errick rose from the corner where he'd been watching the match, clapping slowly and grinning.

"Show's over," The fighter scoffed, collecting his weaponry and looking away from him. "Unless you're looking for a fight of your own."

Errick rolled his eyes. "I'd rather leave with my dignity."

"Your dignity? It's still intact?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"That's no way to speak to your future Alpha, Legionnaire Aurelia," Errick snapped. He didn't need to put up with this guy's crap — he'd got enough attitude from Stronte this morning. 

He hesitated, overconfidence faltering. "Ah. Are we going to have a problem, Alpha?"

Errick stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Trent's. "Perhaps, but only if you create one."

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