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Errick blinked, staring down (or up at) the criminal. "You're literally our age."

She scoffed, stepping closer to him and spitting in his face. "You're twelve if height is anything to go by."

That was when the boys got their first good look at her: a feisty Terran redhead, who happened to pretty much be Errick's height as well.

He laughed, wiping his face. "Again, literally my height."

She opened her mouth to say something barbed, but Trent moved closer to the bars, in full angry Tank mode. "Insult my Alpha one more time and your blood will become part of the wallpaper."

 Errick had to admit, it was kind of nice to have a bodyguard.

The criminal backed down, grinning. "I wouldn't dream of it."

The guys exchanged a confused look. Why had she changed her mind so quickly?

'You people coming back anytime soon?' Locksley spoke over comms. 'We're ready here, we think, anyway. Oh, nope, Brie says we're not, but you might as well come now.'

"Allow me to release the prisoner," the guard rushed, happy to be rid of said criminal. "I wish you luck."

Errick frowned, looking at the guard one last time. "Thanks?"

Sanii was ready at the door of the ship, holding a gun between her hands, fingers ready on the trigger.

Ronnie laughed nervously, a little afraid of Sanii's bored expression that implied this kind of situation was something she was used to.

Without any warning, Errick and Trent burst through the door, Trent shoving a handcuffed ginger onto the ship.

Sanii had expected their criminal to be...taller.

"Do we have somewhere for her to stay until we get to the Academy?" 

"I guess?" Ronnie shrugged. "But to be fair, you didn't give us much time." 

"It's not going to be long to the Academy," Sanii interrupted. "The Ace's plan was for us rest overnight and take watches over her."

"Good." Errick nodded, gesturing for Trent to follow Ronnie to the makeshift accommodation they had created.

"If you will excuse me, Alpha, I must take my leave. I am tired after today's excursions." Sanii turned away, not waiting to be dismissed. She couldn't let him see that behind the gun her hands had begun to shake.

The next morning, all hell broke loose.

The squad was woken up by Locksley swearing very loudly, and from then on it only got worse.

"What's happened?" Errick demanded, running a hand through his somehow perfectly neat hair, hovering over Locksley's shoulder. "What did you see?"

Ronnie was also up in an instant, anxiously scrolling through the news that had flooded in overnight. "To cut a long story short, we took the wrong prisoner."

"What?" Errick's mouth dropped open. "That's impossible. We went to the co-ordinates we were sent."

Wordlessly, (which was unusual for him), Locksley pressed play on the overnight breaking news. "Last night, a team of teenage Aurora Academy students have infiltrated a high security prison and released the leader of the rising rebellion, Mathilde Griffin." He pressed pause.

Ronnie brought a hand to her mouth. "No we did not."

"This is really bad," Locksley agreed. "But our names aren't on the web yet, only our squad number, so as long as we return her to the prison and we explain we got sent to the wrong place, no harm's done. Anyway, what's this about us infiltrating the prison? The guy handed her over!" 

Errick sat down, contemplating where to go next. "Someone should get in touch with Stronte. Get Sanii and ask her to swap with Trent and Bryony on guard duty. I'll join her in a minute. This can all be sorted out."

Ronnie swallowed. "Yes sir."

"Hey!" Bryony smiled at Sanii cheerfully, the two of them (Sanii included) blissfully unaware of the overnight news. "Locksley just buzzed to say you and Errick are to go on guard duty. You okay with that?" 

She nodded. "Of course." 

"Our prisoner doesn't speak much, so you've got nothing to worry about." 

When Bryony and Trent left the room, Sanii slipped inside. It wouldn't be long before Errick arrived. "Mathilde?" 

"Hey, princess. You want to remove the cuffs, or shall I?" 



this is a little disjointed, but hopefully you can see that the plot is now well underway

am trying to include more of the characters I've unintentionally shoved to the side, so hopefully if you felt like that about your oc you're satisfied (if not please lmk if there's anything I can do to give them more spotlight!)

Mathilde was a name on my French exam and I like it a lot, no more explanation needed

ik this is slightly shorter but all I've been doing is travel huggers research and this chapter is one of those less fun ones that had to happen so the fun ones can take place later

sorry that queen bryony got like 0.0000001 seconds of appearance, but I'm trying to share it out more

trent's parent ain't even reading so if you all take on the role as cheerleader for him when he's around it would make me a happy bean

don't ask me to explain the cliffhanger yet I'm enjoying this for as long as possible

what day is most convenient for uploads? (if you say idm/idk I will struggle to upload, having a day I can next upload knowing you guys will be happy with that is ideal)

love you guys, au revoir

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