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"You're doing what?" Trent looked up at his Alpha in disbelief. "I was laying down for, what, five minutes, and in that time you managed to make the stupidest decision in the history of the galaxy."

Errick gritted his teeth; the only visible sign Trent's words had got to him. 

"Okay, fine," he continued. "You get to this dwarf planet, and what do you do? Fly in on our wanted spaceship and politely ask the local Aurora Legion if they're terrorising villagers?" 

Errick was glad he had an answer. "I'm sending a couple of us out in the pod to get supplies and investigate the surroundings. They'll return with proof either in Mathilde's favour or not, and we'll take it from there."

"Why are we doing this?" 

He turned away, refusing to look Trent in the eye. "We're criminals anyway, we might as well find out."

Val stood in front of the pod, her fingers shaking. The emergency pod was a feature on every good spaceship, and it would eject onto the planet below. It had enough power to fly back up to the ship as well, in theory. 

"You alright?" Ronnie smiled at her, adjusting their collar. "Errick asked me to give you some more...discreet clothes."

"Right, of course," she nodded, stepping away from the pod and taking the rough clothing from them. "I'll go and change into them."

"I can't believe he's actually going through with this," Ronnie whispered, walking with Val to her room on the ship.

"He needs to know. We all do," she paused at the door, turning to them. "Who's coming with me?" 

"Bryony," they confirmed. "I have to find her next. Will you be okay?"

"Mmm." Val closed the door, mentally preparing herself for whatever they would find on this planet.

"Okaaaay, take this earpiece, and don't let anyone see it," Locksley handed one to each of them, letting them adjust the sound.

"We just want answers but keep your cover by picking up some supplies. We'll need some water and food anyway if..." Errick trailed off.

"Got you," Bryony tried to grin, untying her curly, long blonde hair from its bun. Earlier, she'd redyed her blue streak to a similar blonde-ish colour so she would blend in, using the hair dye she'd previously thought was necessary to bring. The boxes of colour seemed pointless now, but she did feel reassured knowing that she could choose a new, exciting colour to dye her hair after this was all over.

"Aren't you going to let me come with you?" Mathilde was standing in the doorway, free of handcuffs, grinning almost manically.

Errick immediately grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. "I don't know how you got loose, but the answer is no, no and no again." 

"You really think you've got a chance down there without me?"

"I don't really care about your high opinion of yourself," he retaliated. "You're not going. Can anyone stand guard?" 

"Yeah," Trent stood in the doorway, cracking his knuckles, entering scary bodyguard mode. "It'd be my pleasure."

Mathilde was taken back to her cell, and silence descended over the group.

"Before he took her, we probably should have asked for some advice," Locksley eventually pointed out.

"We cannot trust her," Sanii objected, standing in the doorway, arms crossed.

"She has a point." Errick looked back at Val and Bryony. "Be quick." 

"We'll do our best," Bryony gave him a quick hug. "Try not to pass out from the stress." 

"I can't promise anything," he said half-jokingly, a strained smile on his face. "Good luck."

The pod landed with a thunk, and they made sure it was well hidden behind a nearby shop.

After a quick discussion over what their covers would be, Val motioned for Bryony to follow her.

"Let's buy some food from there," Bryony gestured. "It's been a long journey."

"Of course," Val nodded, threading her hand through hers.

"Do you think it's going okay?" Locksley ran a hand through his ginger locks, frowning slightly. "No," Sanii responded.

"Gee, thanks," his voice dripped with sarcasm. "I love your optimism." 

"The last thing I need is the two of you at each other's throats," Errick groaned. "I'm going to check on Trent."

"Good luck with that!" Locksley called after him. When he arrived, Trent didn't acknowledge Errick's existence, which immediately put him on edge.

Eventually, after a long suffering silence, Trent sighed, not even turning to look at him. "What?" 

Errick shrugged, unsure what to say. "Came to check on you. Thought maybe you'd like to blow off some steam." 


He grinned. "By sparring. What else?" 

The other guy looked away. "Right. I don't think you'd come out of a spar with me alive." 

Errick bit back a laugh. "I'll take my chances. So, what d'you say?" 

"Pretty preoccupied with guard duty." 

"Later then," Errick didn't hide the disappointment on his face.


It didn't take long for Val and Brie to notice that the shop was abandoned. They'd entered through the open back door and from the way the hinged creaked they could tell they hadn't been oiled in... well, forever. There was some stock on the shelves, but it was all expired, and any fresh produce had decomposed long ago. 

Bryony pushed open the front door, flinching at the shrillness of the bell that automatically rang as she did so. 

Val offered her a small smile, and with that courage she stepped out onto the street. 

A sickening crunch. 

She was ankle deep in pearly, white bones. 


 It's been almost a month since I updated this, but I was just so stuck on what to do with the plot. I'm really not plotting this, two nights ago I finally sat down and decided to power through this chapter. 

Despite all of this this is still one of my favourite fics to write, and just because this is my third oldest apply fic now please understand that while I now have more to write I don't plan on demoting it as long as you keep reading it (I love all of your comments, they make me so freaking happy). 

Over the next few chapters tensions will be high however I may sneak a few kisses in there, so keep your eyes peeled!

Love, Im <33

Edited A/N - sooo... did you like it?

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