Chapter 23 - The Weight of a Lightsaber

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Ben sat along Appa. The back of his neck feeling the warm trickles of Appa's soft white fur. It had finally stopped snowing as Jet embarked into the hidden enclave. Benjamin had instructed his new apprentice on what to find within the academy's halls.

Detailing the parts that the young warrior would need. He had opened the door with the force, leading Jet to the room in which he built his own blade. Jet knew where to get the electronics. Now the warrior needed to find the overall parts of which to construct his blade.

His eyes tricked to the side, seeing Jet's short brown hair trickle through the cold breeze. He was holding a box that Ben assumed was containing his lightsaber parts. "Got what you need?" Ben questioned.

With a sly smile Jet nodded. Benjamin giving him a hand as he lightly pulled Appa's reins, the bison riding into the air as Benjamin began to lead it back to the city. It would be quite the long trip, and this trip would be the one in which he would instruct...and hopefully teach Jet.

They rode deep along the skies. Pitching through the clouds as Ben's robes flayed in the wind. Ben threw his head back as he turned towards the young warrior. "Jet, are you ready to begin." Benjamin questioned.

Jet nodded his head once again, Benjamin lightly patting Appa as he threw himself into the saddle. The pieces of the lightsabers, the electronics, and the tools were arranged on a piece of cloth that Jet set out. Benjamin stood straight as he oversaw the young freedom fighter embark on his first lesson.

"Listen, Jet. You are embarking down the path of the Jedi, and to do such a thing...your training must increase." Benjamin explained, coughing into his fist as Jet watched on. "In the Jedi order, a padawan through years of training would learn to construct their blade. Yet, this is your first formal Jedi lesson. I want you to learn how important this blade much of a weapon and how dangerous it could be."

"I...think, I understand." Jet finished off. Benjamin bobbing his head as he took another heavy breath.

"Alright, first off, we are going to need to begin with the electronics of the blade..."

With those words both apprentice and master started their lesson. Benjamin, blending in his lightsaber construction knowledge while Jet followed his orders. After a couple of hours of flying, with Jet's sweat filled brow he presented the completed electronic.

"Good job." Benjamin smiled. Using the force to drag the electronics to his hand, his eyes scanning the skeleton of the hilt to analyze for any deformities or anything Jet may of missed. He tossed it back into Jet's hands. Now the harder parts were going to begin.

Jet laid out the ruby, the jade, and the permafrost crystal along the other parts of his lightsaber. "Alright, Jet. Now here is the hard part..."

Benjamin took a knee as his fingers traced and locked along each of the pieces. "Now, you are going to be constructing and truly building your blade. This isn't about the electronics, but about immersing yourself within the force."

Jet nodded, attentive to Ben's words. "Okay, I need you to immerse yourself within the find a current, to think about those feelings when you see those shatterpoints. When the unbreakable becomes breakable."

Jet moved with closed eyes as he tried to immerse himself deeper and deeper into the force. Following forward as with half narrowed eyes, he began to close into Ben's voice. Following in his master's directive.

Jet welled up with force energy. Feeling everything around him, truly for the first time in his life as he gave himself into the force. He fitted his hands over the parts, inspecting and placing the crystals. Taking a sense of it into himself as he began to fit the pieces together.

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