Refusing Endless Varse

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"So, the time is up for my prophecy, and now we are six." Yet another laugh leaves his lips that makes me want to rush at him to slap the stupid grin off his face. "I'm glad you survived. I will now depart for Endless Varse. And I'll take you all with me! There, I will create a god-land. Those who live there will be the chosen few."

"He's actually serious about all this," I mumble. "I can't believe this."

"The survival game only lasted but a few hours, yet they couldn't last. Followers like that would weaken my country if they came!"

"What if we refuse?" Robin asks.

"Robin!" Nami screams.

"Yeah, what if we refuse," I grin.

"Akari!" she whines.

"Refuse?" Eneru questions. Why would you? I've decided. If you stay, you'll simply fall to the ground with the country."

"It's true your powers could make that happen, but if you destroy this county, won't you be destroying the things you want?" Robin asks.

"Like the Golden Bell, you mean?" He laughs, "Don't worry, I already have an idea of where it is. When I think back to your actions, I see there's only one possible place."

"What!?" I blurt out.

"The Golden Bell," Baldy grumbles.

"We are probably thinking of the same place." Eneru looks at Robin. "You look surprised. Did you think you could trick me with that maneuver? Don't underestimate me!" He points at Robin with a sparking finger.

"ROBIN!" Nami screams, but there's nothing she can do.

"I despise conniving women." He sends a lightning bolt straight at her, taking her out in the blink of an eye.

Everyone is frozen in place as Robin's hat flies away and she starts to fall to the ground. Everyone except Zoro, that is. He rushes over with the speed of a demon, grabbing her with his arm before she hits the ground. A mere second before she would have.

"Badass," I whisper.

Zoro looks back at Eneru with a scowl on his face and hatred burning in his eyes. "She's a woman," he growls.

"I know," Eneru calmly says. "I saw."

He rushes as the man playing god, but Eneru uses his golden staff to block the swordman's strike.

"Hm, you have skill," he grins.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Zoro bellows. He slices at the man's legs, but Eneru just jumps out of the way.

Baldy aims his bazooka right at our enemy. "Burn Bazooka!"

Eneru chuckles, not even afraid of what is coming towards him. "Kari Krash!" A blinding light from him makes us all block our eyes or look away, and a loud crash like thunder that shocks the air around us until his laugh rings out again.

"It can't be, he stopped the bazooka flame!" Baldy snaps.

My shurikens are still between my fingers, knowing that if I throw them, he'll just dodge or ruin them. There's nothing I can do but stand back and watch. If I fight, it might as well be signing my life away.

"You still don't understand the energy you possess is nothing compared to mine!" Eneru declares.

"A simple Devil Fruit made him like this," I shake my head.

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