The Meeting

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After dinner, a few of us moved to the living room while others left. Well it was just Salvatore, Benito, Diego, and I.

"Hey, what about our clothes?" I ask Salvatore as we wait around doing pretty much nothing. "Already upstairs." He says without looking at me but rather his phone. I nod my head, leaving him alone to his work.

"Anyway, what's a normal day here like?" I ask the guys trying to create a conversation. Also, I feel like everyone was a little on high alert since Salvatore is here, which I get but I also want to know what it's like when he isn't here.

Benito laughs a little before answering, "typically, we all hang around, talk, play some games, or watch a movie, but because of Salvatore, no one wants to hang around." I giggle a little nodding my head in understanding. "Aww he's not that bad," I say pinching his cheek like an old lady grabbing the cheeks of a little kid.

As soon as my fingers touched his cheek, he slowly turns his head away from his phone and looks at me with a dead look. My smile immediately drops and my eyes get wide. I turn my head away slowly, just like he did when he looked at me. I look at Diego with instant regret, while the two idiots suppress their laughs.

"Well somebody didn't like that" I make a 'sheesh' face. Diego quickly changed the subject which I'm grateful for. "Anyway, tomorrow we have a meeting at 2. We need to keep everyone informed and they're going to want some more details. What do we do?" Salvatore throws his head back and runs his hand over his face, "only the basics. All they need to know is that we were hacked and that we can't trace them. They took some basic files, nothing important but we're still digging into it."

I shake my head slightly, "they're going to want to know your game plan." My comment only seemed to have made his mood worse. He swiftly straightens up on the couch, "well I can't exactly tell them what we're doing when there's a good chance it'll lead us nowhere." I instantly put my hands up in surrender.

"I'm not saying you need to do that." I say with the same tone he talked to me in. His voice was loud. Taking a deep breathe I calm down before things got out of hand. "How about when they ask what we're doing to track them we can say that we have a few ideas that we're following. Nothing is for certain and so we'll notify everyone when we've found something."

I offer an idea which seemed to be the best we have. Benito and Diego seem to agree with my idea. "Let's hope they'll be satisfied with that." Sadly, I decide to crack a joke, "Don't worry, I'll fight them if they start asking too many questions." I put my fists up and fake two punches.

This only causes the guys to laugh. I'm glad my joke could lighten up the mood. "Val, these guys might be old but they'd kill you." Benito's comment only makes the guys laugh louder. I shrug at the comment though, "it's fine. You guys will be there. I'm sure you'd step in Benito."

Benito replies with 'of course' but from the corner of my eye I see Salvatore get a little mad. I wonder what all of that's about.

A yawn leaves my mouth. I guess it's time for bed. Standing up I stretch, "well it's time for me to go to sleep. Can someone show me to my room." I look around to get someone to help me out. "I guess it's time for me to go to retire for the night as well." Salvatore stands up but I stop him. I don't want him going to bed just because I am. "You don't have to go to bed just because of me." I bring my eyebrows together.

"I'm the only one that can take you. It's the top floor, no one but family is allowed." I nod my head in understanding. I'd probably get lose if he tried to give me directions.

Bidding Diego and Benito good night, we walked side my side quietly. Salvatore's hand rested on the small of my back. It was a new feeling to me. I'd never been with anyone so this was completely new to me.

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