Helping Out

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The next day came rather quick. After getting ready, I started on my breakfast. "Hey." I turn my head to the familiar voice that entered the kitchen. I grab a plate an put some toast on it and grab the butter and pass it over to Pietro.

I chuckle when he throws his head back and groans loudly. I guess he likes his breakfast. "So you and Enzo good or are you moving into the main wing?" I nod my head simply say "yeah, I told him what your sister said to me on my wedding day" and resume eating.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He simply shrugs his shoulders and continues eating his breakfast. I groan loudly, "do you have anywhere to be today?" I ask him as if he were a child.

Once again, he gives me a nonverbal answer, a nod. I whine silently, again, "when will you learn to elaborate?" From my experience all men are like this, my Dad, Enzo, and Pietro. Not much experience but from what experience I do have this is what I have gathered: men don't give details.

Pietro chuckles as he gets up and puts his plate in the sink, "probably never, but you are on your own from 1:00 p.m. to I don't know what. I'll come to see you for dinners probably." It was already a little past 9:00 a.m. so we had around 3 hours.

I get up and put my plate in the sink and turn to Pietro who was back sitting in his place, "so, you'll have lunch and dinner with me?" I roll my sleeves up and start cleaning mess and washing the dishes. Sometimes Pietro would eat with e so I wouldn't feel so lonely. Most of the times I would cook but sometimes he'd bring something.

"Lunch for sure, dinner probably." I nod my head at Pietro's answer. Maybe Enzo would like to join us. I go ahead and text him if he wants to join us for lunch.

We move over to the living room. Pietro switches the channels while I text Enzo if he wanted to join me for lunch. A 'yeah' was sent from his side within a couple of minutes. Great! It's going to be fun having another person join us for lunch.

Maybe things won't be so bad. I have Pietro to keep me company a little bit of the day and I guess Enzo would come around too, when he's not busy. I have someone to call my brother and my best friend with me. They're my family now. I'm not completely alone. I probably won't get the love of a husband but the situation I'm in isn't that terrible. Perhaps things are looking up for me.

I can still be happy, just not in the traditional way but I am in charge of my own happiness and I've always been happy with the little things in life. Why look at the bad things, the things we can't change, rather look at the good things and be happy.

My thoughts are driven away from my misery filled life and towards the main question: what am I going to make for lunch? It's so hard to decide what to cook. I poke Pietro's muscly arm and grab his attention, "what do you want to eat for lunch?" It's really pointless asking him what he wants to eat because most of the time he'd just shrug his shoulders saying 'I don't care' or 'I don't know' but sometimes he does answer.

"Pizza?" I nod my head and go to the kitchen to make sure we have all of the ingredients. Typically, someone would stock the fridge and everything but sometimes we are still missing items which I would have to get in my monthly trip to the outside world. Thankfully we had everything we needed to make pizza.

I went back to the living room and joined Pietro on the couch for a while before I had to start on lunch. After a while of watching T.V. I realized I had to get started on the pizzas if it was to be ready by 12:00.

Pushing my sleeves up, I get started. I always loved cooking. I think it was mainly because I loved to eat and I loved to cook for other people. It makes me happy when they eat my food and when the like it. Of course, I wasn't always a good cook. When I originally started I burned a lot of stuff but my Dad would still eat it nevertheless. The memory brings a smile to my face.

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