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Currently, I was sitting in Enzo's room along with Pietro, "so why didn't either one of you come to the study today?" I inquired. Enzo releases a sigh, "we had too much work to do today." I simply nod my head in understanding but Pietro looks at me with a worried look, "Sal didn't trouble you did he Piccolo?" In my mind I wonder if I should tell them the truth or lie.

I put a smile on my face and shake my head no, "it was just very silent the whole time and awkward." I told the truth just left out a bit of it. It's not like they can do anything, "I think I'll get used to it eventually. Maybe in like a week." I shrug it off.

They both gave me a sad face but I waved it off. He doesn't hold that kind of importance to me. "Anyway, I know we all have to work but can we do something fun tomorrow?" I lean forward on the bed and ask in a pleading tone.

Enzo turns to Pietro with his eyebrows furrowed, "we don't have much to do tomorrow right?" Pietro shakes his head no, "we just need to check in on one of the club managers." I clap my hands in joy. "Yay! Can we play badminton tomorrow?" I'm not a sports person but I love badminton.

"Okay, but don't cry when I win" Pietro says smugly which just causes me to scoff at his words, "oh we'll see about that." Both our attention turns to Enzo, "Neither one of you is beating me. You're going to kiss my feet by the time I'm done with you two." Pietro and I both burst out laughing at Enzo.

He seriously thinks he can beat me, "Enzo do you not remember college when we played badminton." I say trying to jog the memory of when I beat him. He just waves his hand, "I let you win because I you were already having a bad day." I nod my head, "sure." I say sarcastically. "So, just text me when you guys get home and I'll meet you guys outside." They nod their heads, "we'll have to stop by and get badminton rackets and the birdy." I reply with an 'okay' when Enzo tells me they'll need to buy the kit.

I stretch my arms as I yawn, "alright, I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow morning." Waving at them, I leave and go straight to my room. Changing into my nightwear I fall asleep without wasting another second.

I stir when I hear a beeping. Turning to the side, I turn off my alarm and prepare for the day. Following through with my daily routine, I finish getting ready and start helping Mom with breakfast. "Good morning sweetheart." I smile and return the greeting. Thankfully Arabella wasn't here.

"Mom, what do you do all day?" I ask out of curiosity. We all have something to do, even Arabella has college, so what do Mom and Dad do all day. Mom shrugs her shoulders, "well, I watch T.V, talk to my friends, might go out, cook, or read."

I close my eyes and let out a loud breath. That honestly sounds so good, "that seems like a great life." Mom chuckles and nods her head. "Hopefully, I'll get to play with some grandchildren soon." She gives me a look filled with hope. I just return it with a sad smile, "sadly, I don't think that's going to happen because of me."

Mom sighs and I hear her walk up next to me making me turn my head in her direction, "you guys just need to talk things out." Now it was my turn to sigh, "he doesn't want to talk, just blame." I look down, trying to avoid eye contact.

It's about time she faces the sad truth. I don't want to make her feel bad but she needs to know the truth. I'm surprised she's been so optimistic, even after being married for months with barely any communication with him, she still has hope. I'm honestly shocked because I lost hope long ago, and the bit of hope I might've had got tarnished yesterday.

I look up when Mom puts her hand on mine, "you guys just need to spend some time along, get to know each other. You're a great girl and I'm sure if you guys just talk, you'll be a great couple." Mom putting her hand on mine makes me feel warm, making me feel like maybe there is hope.

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