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"Wha...WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Jack Gibson hissed, seconds after Andy Herrera informed him that she'd been spending her off-shift nights at Battalion Chief Robert Sullivan's home: they're both Lieutenant's making him technically their boss'

"Keep your voice down !" she hissed in response. "I thought about not telling you, and you just proved my point!"

'Aid Car 19, Engine 19...smoke reported at Big John's Bowling Alley-6625 Buena Serra Avenue...'

The two ex-lovers hurry into their 'turn-outs' and climb into the engine they had been 'pulling maintenance' on, pulling out of the vehicle bay with the siren blaring. Andy tries to concentrate on her driving while Jack peppers her with questions:

"You're sleeping with Sullivan!?"


"Ands, and...please tell me you're pulling my dick!"

"That isn't all of it..."

"What's that mean?"


"This shit gets BETTER AND BETTER!", he groaned. "You PANICKED , RIGHT? When your dad got sick again?"

"Jack, I married Sullivan because I love him. Yes, we wanted my dad to be able to see his daughter get married, but we couldn't have known...that he'd go down shortly after. Can we drop it-it's NOT YOUR BUSINESS!"<

At the scene, he won't let it go, at least until she makes a stand: "We're AT A SCENE-can we concentrate on the people who need our help, whatta you say? FUCK, Gibson!"

Inside it's clear that they will need Ladder 19 as well, which Andy calls for after evacuating a small group of children from the 'party room' to the rear of the bowling alley; they end up in a storage room for old or inoperable equipment. Jack searches for a way out while Herrera
keeps the children calm. There's no fire exit and Gibson starts to panic; Herrera had no choice but to leave the children to get HIM to calm down...she took the time to notify Acting Captain Jimenez of their location: "CAPTAIN...we're at the rear northwest of the structure...request
sledgehammers to break through the structure wall-Gibson and I are trapped with 10 children, all under ten years of age...the smoke is getting heavier-please expedite!"

She turned to Gibson and said "Breath with me, Jack, c'mon: IN...OUT...that's right...you gotta calm down!" Lowering her voice she added, "The kids are getting scared."

When that didn't work she tried another tack: "You might be right-I might have rushed into marrying Sullivan but I swear to you that I'm in love with him too...I AM, Jack...WE LOVE EACH OTHER."

Gibson got control of himself right before Dean Miller and Travis Montgomery breached the wall. Once all of the children are attended to by A19 and A23 (it and E23 had been summoned by Captain Jimenez based on the estimated number of persons needing medical and the size
of the blaze)...once the Captain declared the fire 'out' Andy takes the wheel once again and starts the drive back to the station.

Her fellow Lieutenant started to say "So..."

"SO...WHAT, Gibson?! WHAT! Goddamn!"

"Just..we gotta start annulment proceedings RIGHT AWAY...as in ASAP !"

"Please listen to me, ok? I'm not annulling my marriage, because I don't regret it. I understand that you don't want to hear that we're in love but we are. And yes when YOU asked me to marry you I said I didn't want to marry you ar anyone else, and at the time I meant it, but I hadn't met Sullivan then. Now I'm gonna ask a favor..."

"What?" he asks grudgingly, sounding pissed-off.

"Keep this between us for now, please? You loved me once..."

"Make that STILL", he interrupted.

"OK. Keep this to yourself, until he and I figure out our next move, HR-wise. OK?"

"Yeah...Yeah, OK?"

At a stoplight, she turned her head to smile at him. "Gracias, Cariño."

He smiled back understanding that she meant the last part as a term of fondness...the type assigned to an 'ex'...


Dr. Carina DeLuca's back-to-back deliveries leave her bone-tired and more than ready to log some time on the very comfortable sofa in her office. Tiredly, she checks her phone before shutting her eyes, which pop open wide at the THREE MISSED CALLS she spots
on the device screen. She re-dialed, and the first thing Maya Bishop said on answering was "ARIZONA ROBBINS-WHO IS SHE?!"

"Bella, I would like nothing more than to talk to you about this but"-she yawns elaborately-"I completed only now two consecutive deliveries: very difficult...I hoped to sleep a few hours: what is wrong? Is it urgent?"

"NO. No, I'll call you in a few hours. My shift ends at 8 am tomorrow."

"Thank you, my love. I promise to answer all of your questions. Ciao."


Andy debated whether to tell Robert about what was said inside the bowling alley storeroom since she is almost positive that at least a few of station 23's firefighters heard part of what was said while breaching the far wall. By the time he arrived home she has decided what to
do. They drink wine after she served their dinner and relax in the living room listening to music when she brought it up.

"I told Gibson about us today."

"Alright...how did that come up exactly?" he asked, puzzled.

"Welll"...she stammered, then regained her composure. "We were cleaning and polishing the engine, re-stocking, and he asked about where I have been the past week: you know that we were roommates-I told you about that * (he knows exactly what she means)...
and he just keeps... digging , and I lost my temper and I blurted out that we're married..."

His eyes remain solidly on hers and he said softly "Go on".

"...OKAY...on the way to the bowling alley fire, he won't let it go: 'WE have to annul this right away'; 'This can't stay like this' and I told him that would not be happening: that yes it was quick but we've been in love it seems like forever and THANK GOD we get there and he has
to try to focus on the job, but it's like he CAN'T until I cursed him." She quickly skimmed over Gibson's panic attack and what she said to him to calm down**, then moved on to the ride home. "I don't feel that I was firm enough in making it 'full-stop' clear that I'm staying married
to you because there's NOTHING I WANT MORE...because there ISN'T." 

She set down her wineglass and took his face in her hands: when he flinched she tightened her grip and whispered "Te quiero con toda mi alma, y mi ser. A TI solamente pertenece my cuerpo, mi corazon, MI TODO... creeme : SOY TUYO.

He accepts her kiss and deepens it. His questing lips, and his hands stroking her rounded hips
tell her all that she needs to know...THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT...


Puta Madre-Asshole/Son of a Bitch/Motherfucker

Cariño-Sweety/Honey (in this case fondness not romantic)

Te quiero con toda mi alma, y mi ser. A TI solamente pertenece my cuerpo, mi corazon, MI TODO: SOY TUYO-I love you with all my of my soul all of myself. Body, heart, and soul: BELIEVE ME: EVERYTHING I HAVE is yours.


*During 'confession time' when he asked her to marry him-when she confessed about
hooking up with Gibson after the two of them broke up.*

**That maybe she did marry Sullivan out of panic and fear, so that Gibson could regain
control of himself.**

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