Mi Vida - CM

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                                                  I am in love with him I swear

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                                                  I am in love with him I swear


"Mirabel!" I shout running inside the casita I receive strange looks from some the family members mainly Abuela but choose to ignore them. walking up to Julieta I give her a smile and she pulls me into a motherly hug

"how are you doing mi amor?" She asks while kissing my forehead

"I'm good I was just searching for Mirabel" I answer and she looks around eyes scanning the rooms

"Camilo should know where she is" she pats my head turning back to her cooking "Why are you searching for her?" 

"Well we had a conversation earlier but it was strange and I just want to make sure she's not mad at me" I sigh leaning over the counter focusing on the tiles Julieta is like my second mother and I trust her with everything

"Ah well I'm certain Mirabel isn't mad at all" She gives me a knowing smile before pinching my cheeks "go find Camilo so you can find her"

"are you sure you don't need any help in the kitchen? I'm always willing to lend a hand" She shakes her head in response and casita moves the tiles under my feet removing me from the kitchen and I give Julieta a small goodbye as the kitchen doors shut in my face, I swiftly turn around and begin my search for Camilo

"Camilo" I whisper searching for the shape shifting bastard

"Boo" he jumps out in front of me scaring me and I throw a punch at him "ow what the hell y/l/n" he complains while holding his nose. I inhale deeply before responding "maybe don't scare people" I give him a smirk handing him one of Julieta's desserts which he eats within seconds "So where's Mirabel" I ask he grabs my hand pulling me across the floor into what I presume is his room.

"Mirabel is searching for Luisa right now so you're stuck with me" he smirks wiggling his eyebrows making a funny face 

"Dick" I mumble causing his smirk to widen

"You know you love me n/n" he says walking closer and closer before my back hits the cold wall and butterflies erupt in my stomach

"What makes you say that?" I ask sarcastically trying to keep my voice strong

"C'mon you stare at me all the time oh and..." he shakes his head leaving the last part out

"No tell me" I plead and he looks up at me guilty he only looks this guilty when he's done something he knows he shouldn't have "Camilo" I speak sternly but get no response "What. Did. You. Do."

"I may have blackmailed Dolores Into telling me everything" he whispered out and I laugh

"And you believed her" I ask, I know for a fact that I never spoke my actual feelings for Camilo out loud ever well until earlier today but that was to Mirabel and Dolores was asleep.

"Not exactly but then I may have shape-shifted into Mirabel and then technically you told me" he stares at me for a second and I silently start panicking inside suddenly how close we were was getting more and more obvious

"I uhm I totally knew that was you so I was just lying to you" I try to keep my voice strong but immediately fail as I look up into his eyes him staring back at me. it seemed like he was moving closer and closer I thought I was hallucinating until I feel a warm pair of lips on my own causing my whole world to pause and I kiss back sliding my arms around his neck deepening the kiss my stomach felt like it was in flames and my head felt fuzzy only imagining this in my imagination but now it was actually happening I was never going to forget it.

 Camilo pulls away smirking "really you were lying mi vida?" I roll my eyes

"maybe not entirely" I mumble

"Or at all" he corrects

𝓐𝓷 𝓔𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 -𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now