Reunited - BM

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TW!! self-harm is involved but not the whole plot I made the sh scene obvious so you can skip over it if needed or wanted 
The sh was mainly for me because I've been struggling a lot with relapse lately and this just helps get the feelings out
Kinda short let me know if you want a part 2

TW!! self-harm is involved but not the whole plot I made the sh scene obvious so you can skip over it if needed or wanted The sh was mainly for me because I've been struggling a lot with relapse lately and this just helps get the feelings outKinda...

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Another day in town and my eyes drift from store to store, I was looking for Julietta who I know is always out here. My eyes land on the women's figure and I run up to her a small pout playing on my face as I feel multiple small stings on my thighs

  "Hey..." I whispered and she looked down at me worriedly 

"Are you okay?" She asked grabbing my face checking for any wounds satisfied when she found none

"Y-yeah I just wanted one of your amazing Buñuelos I've been craving them" I lie straight through my teeth and she hands me the delicious item I mumble a thanks and kiss her cheek before walking far away far enough that I walk right to the river where it all began.

It was years ago maybe we were too young to be serious but his words were in my head all day everyday how did we get this far apart?

"I love you" It was quiet I almost hadn't caught what he said  I looked over at him eyes glowing in the sunlight
"I know" I gave him a smile before walking into the water  him following we stop the water hitting my mid thigh he stares at me intently as if saying 'go on say something' a smirk pulls on my lips as I speak 'What did I miss something?" I tease he just walks closer and closer he places his hands on my waist and slowly leans in before whispering "This all right?" I feel his breath on my lips and I whisper a quick 'yes' as he smashes his lips against mine it went by fast his warm lips pressed against my own felt like pure bliss 

he pulls away chuckling "So I'm gonna take that as an 'I love you too'"
"Shut up" I tease pulling him into a hug which he gladly returns 

Tears sting my eyes as flashbacks run through my head my heart clenches and I feel like the air around me is gone nothing able to reach my lungs I take a sharp inhale and the tears flow done my cheeks my hands cover my eyes as I slide to the ground inhaling and exhaling heavily 

I hate him, how could he leave? why would he leave? The questions consume me questions I'll never know the answer too It feels like the gravity around me got stronger my body slowly getting to heavy to hold up 


I pull a small blade out of my pocket debating weather I should do it or not 
His smile flashes through my mind
I grip the blade tighter deciding this was the only thing that would help the only way to stop this heart shattering feeling 
I take the cold metal and place it on my skin pressing down I slide it across the skin feeling a tingling feeling where the blade was previously 
I feel a all to familiar feeling of pain being washed away but it wasn't enough I take the blade and repeat my previous actions becoming satisfied I feel high off the pain I just induced on myself it doesn't hurt much anymore or at all but the paining feelings from before felt like with each cut they escaped, every drop of blood out of my skin felt like new better blood replaced it, though this feeling was temporary it was all I had
I walk into the water putting my arm into the water watching it mix with my blood pulling it down stream where it would disappear and be gone forever I hold the pastry Julieta gave me in the hand that previously held a blade I take a bite and watch the cuts slowly disappear 
I let out a sigh of relief and smile feeling more refreshed than before and I make my way back to town

!END OF SH!   

As I walk back to the Madrigal home where I had promised Mirabel I would help her come up with designs for a new dress I hear a familiar voice 

"What do you mean you hear Bruno?" Camilo whisper yells towards his sister my heart stops at his words
"I just hear him" She responds before walking away leaving a very confused Camilo 

My mind starts racing with thoughts if Dolores can hear him he's still here.

I walk into la casita jogging up the stairs heading towards the nursery I open the door to see Pepa and Mirabel talking "We don't talk about Bruno" She starts singing and Felix joins in I slowly take a step back and turn the other way 

They've been singing about how they don't talk about Bruno for awhile and it's beginning to get annoying so far the only person who hasn't said anything horrible about Bruno is Dolores and I have my theory as to why I sigh heading back to the nursery to wait for them to be done 'Not talking about Bruno but singing' 

As I make my way back I see someone open a picture frame and walk in "What the hell" I whisper to myself before walking over to the picture frame and opening it 

I don't see anybody but decide to walk inside I walk through the walls of casita seeing cracks a bunch of them every where 

'I knew Mirabel wasn't lying'

I reach a door which I mindlessly open looking inside I see a big chair with someone seated in it I walk closer only for my eyes to meet green ones 

"Oh my god" I speak sadness and questions filling me inside out "Bruno"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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