The Idiot - CM

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Pairing: !Jealous!Camilo x !F!Reader

Pairing: !Jealous!Camilo x !F!Reader

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When your papa is best friends with a Madrigal life is well... never plain or boring, my pa and Felix have been best friends since high school which most of the time I'm grateful for but in this moment right now I wanted to strangle them both

"She likes him" my pa smirks while elbowing Felix

"Oh my god I do not like him!" I shout at them both but they give me a hum of sarcastic agreement they thought I was 'in love' with a guy from the village but I'm not in love; at least not with him.

"Pa I am not I promise" he gives me a small nod but I see the look in his eye he doesn't believe me I look over to Felix who is hiding his giggles or Is trying to. Ignoring them I turn to exit the room

"He'll be at the party tomorrow night mi amor" my pa shouts as I shut the door rolling my eyes

"So who is this mystery man?" I turn my head to see Dolores leaning against a wall I squint my eyes looking at her suspiciously

"Camilo that is not your business" I walk past him as he shape shifts back

"You gotta tell me mi amor" he grabs my wrist turning me back towards him

"Camilo" I sigh looking up at him "it doesn't matter" he looks straight at me while his hand moves to my chin pushing my head up slightly butterflies erupt in my stomach and...other places he pulls me closer our lips almost touching as he whispers "if you say so amor" my lips are hot anticipating a kiss but when I look he's gone and I'm standing in a hallway by myself


Tonight was the party my pa was talking about yesterday it was nothing fancy it was mainly for association with the Madrigals because Camilo was getting older and they wanted him to find someone weather it be a boy or a girl I wasn't against him falling in love at all but I've always kind of wanted to be that person he runs too although I know he only sees me as well me not much more he sees me as the little girl his age he would play tag with around the house and hide n seek I was just y/n to him nothing more nothing less and maybe that's all I'll ever be

"Come on y/n/n what is taking so long" Luisa shouts from outside her room where she let me get dressed for the part

"I'm coming" I reply while opening the door

"Oh my gosh you look- Amazing" she compliments causing a small blush to rise to my cheeks that's always what compliments did to me

"Thank you very much" I smile and give her a dramatic bow "well now that I've blessed you with my beauty I must go do so to everyone else" I tease and she chuckles grabbing my arm and leading me to the party

"Do not drink the punch" she states looking me dead in the eyes

"I won't you go find your damsel in distress mi vida" She gives me a smile and walks towards the group in the middle leaving me alone I shuffle towards the food grabbing a small plate and sitting down

After awhile I feel someone sit next to me expecting it to be Mirabel I continue eating

"Y/n" well that definitely wasn't Mirabels voice I take a look at the person next to me and see Camilo I give him a small smile

"Hey what's up" I ask looking at him he just shakes his head and smiles 

"The ceiling" he whispers

"What?" I ask not able to hear him over the loud dancing music and laughter

"Would you like me to whisper it into your ear?" He says with a louder voice this time before I process his words all the way I shake my head yes so he leans over moving my hair to the side and he whispers in my ear "I said the ceiling" I could feel his breath fanning my neck making me squirm slightly he sits back in his original position

"Very funny" I mumble looking back to my food I could practically feel his eyes on me and see his stupid smile so I turn back to him "what?"


"No you're staring with that stupid smile"

"Sorry can't help it, you're just fun to mess with" he speaks as he stands and leaves to go dance with Dolores, and Luke comes over to the table

"You look breathtaking..." he gives me a smile one I grew to adore

"I know"

"Of course you do" he smiles wider kissing me on the cheek "what's up with your pops and his friend crawling me tonight?" He asks and I start laughing

"Oh I forgot to tell you they think I'm in love with you" I speak dramatically and he chuckles

"If only they knew your heart was taken by a Madrigal" he says taking a drink from his cup "Actually speaking of him I can feel him staring at us" I immediately yet slowly look over towards Camilo and see him staring daggers at Luke

"Oh looks like he's gonna kill you" I chuckle as Luke stands

"Well as much as the idea seems mildly appealing I don't know if I want death by a shapeshifter" he smirks and leaves

I stand from the table and walk towards the dining room where I knew julieta would be.

Walking down the hallway I hear a door open and see Camilo standing in the doorway to his room motioning me over so I do

"Well hello niño bonito" I tease walking inside his room

"Was that the guy you're in love with?" He asks rather angrily

"Camilo" I say warningly and he rolls his eyes "I'm not in love with him but I am in love with an idiot" I sigh my heartbeat increasing

"Sure" he states walking towards his bed and sitting

"You know what you really are an idiot" I rub my temples while walking over to him

"I'm an idiot" he says louder than he meant "wait..." he paused "oh I'm THE idiot" he smiles wide and I place my hands on his cheeks cradling it

"Yes you're the idiot I love"


"Did it work" Felix whispers

"Sounds like it" Dolores chirps as Felix and Oscar dance around the room chanting

"We're gonna be related, we're gonna be related"

by marriage of course  

𝓐𝓷 𝓔𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 -𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now