Puta - CM

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I'm using my knowledge from highschool spanish for these oneshots so if anything is incorrect just let me know I'll fix it also this is very absent of accent marks because I can't figure out how to get them with my computer oh and if any names are incorrect my auto-correct is being stupid and keeps correcting them but actually making them incorrect

"...." indicates time skip 

Pairing: Jealous!F!Reader x Camilo

Mainly Fluffy fluff

Laying on the floor of Camilo's room feeling the coldness of the tiles beneath me

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Laying on the floor of Camilo's room feeling the coldness of the tiles beneath me. Camilo is softly humming a tune I recognize as the one he hums to calm down Pepa

 I move to my side putting my hands in his hair and twirling it with my fingers "Camilo?" I speak up and he gives me a side glance while humming in response I suck in a breath before responding "do you love me?" I sit up facing him and he rolls his eyes putting his hand on my waist

"mi vida what do you think?" He sits up as well giving me a small peck on the lips

"I don't know" I fiddle with my fingers avoiding his gaze as I hear a deep chuckle escape his lips

"Do you love me?" He asks repeating my earlier question

"Of course what kind of stupid question is that" I scoff before realizing his point "shut up" I mumble looking away from him I hear the click of his shoes as he stands causing my gaze to move back to him

"Come on mi amor let's go eat" he gives me a soft smile offering his hands to help me up I grab them and stand up in-front of him he pulls me into a small hug letting me go he grabs my hand pulling me out the door

"Hey y/n" Antonio squeaks from his open door

"Why hello amor" I pat his head careful to not mess it up he gives me a toothy grin in response


"Mirabel come on!" I shout standing outside casita waiting for Mirabel to come out so we can go walk around downtown and buy her new sowing supplies.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" she responds running outside the door I pull her into a hug once she gets close enough I squeeze her lightly before letting her go linking my arm with hers as we walk down hill

"so amiga how has your day been?" I ask bumping hips with her she giggled in response

"Good I mean besides the normal problems with abuela" she gives me a sad smile which I return

"Well Mirabel my amazingly beautiful best friend I say abuela is full of mierda" I say in the most respectful way

"Be nice" she warns as we near closer and closer to the heart of town

"But Mirabel she treats everyone in the familia like they aren't good enough and I just... I'm sorry" the more I talked the more frustrated I became almost all of the Madrigals have come to me to talk about abuela when she made them feel like nothing so I have a pretty good idea of how she is when the town isn't around her

𝓐𝓷 𝓔𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 -𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now