"You're hired, miss"

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"Now come on Janine," Peter uttered, "I'm going to get you help! It's just taking.. awhile." He moved closer to the red-headed woman. "No!" Janine spat, pointing her finger at Peter. "You kept saying how you would hire more help, that was four weeks ago!"

She had now started taking magazines, her nail file, and a handheld mirror, shoving them into a cramped brown cardboard box. A furious scowl on her face.

"I've been worhkin' day and night, straight, fawh a month!" Her Brooklyn accent heavy, Janine shot daggers at Peter. Grabbing the nameplate that read 'Janine Melnitz', shoving it into the box.

"At least it's a good job, isn't it?" Peter tried to convince Janine.

"I've quit better jobs than this."

And with that the small angry woman stormed out of the Firehouse, muttering curses here and there, slamming the black door shut.

Peter slightly cringed when the door slammed, hearing Janine hail a taxi. He was in trouble with Ray, great.

And just in time, Peter had turned behind him to see Ecto-1 rolling into the Firehouse, two men stepping out. They had gone out on a bust but didn't take Venkman this time.

"Shit," He softly cursed.

Ray stepped out of the driver's side. A grin appeared on his face, his jumpsuit covered in slime. Peter let out a small chuckle as he watched Ray wipe oozing slime off the Ecto's door handle. Egon stepped out, a smoking trap in his hand. Rushing it downstairs, going to put whatever they've caught this time; in the Containment Unit.

"Venkman!" Ray shouted, jogging over to his friend.

"Oh, hello Ray," Peter said in a monotone, hoping he could be spared from Ray's wrath.

"So did you convince Janine to stay? She's a peachy receptionist after all," Ray cheerfully said, hope in his voice.

"Well.. about that, she kind of quit and stormed off. I don't think she's coming back either," Peter paused, motioning over to the empty desk, "After all, she's apparently 'quit better jobs than this.'" He snickered.

"Oh come on, Pete!" Ray glared at Peter, "Where are we gonna get another receptionist at this time? We are getting calls 24/7, and it takes all four of us to get that call done. Then usually we have another call across town, that we attend to."

"I don't know Ray, since you are the 'greatest' and 'smartest' here, I'm sure you've got this predicament handled," Peter gawked, obviously being sarcastic.

"Not now Venkman," Ray sighed, "I'll go get Spengler, maybe he'll know what to do."

With that, Ray grabbed Peter by the arm, dragging him up the stairs. Their shoes clicked on the wooden; uneven stairs. The stairs slightly creaked and groaned under the weight of the two men.

Finally reaching the top, they saw Egon on the couch, a box of Cheez-its in his lap. He looked over his shoulder seeing the two, and gave them a small smirk then popped a Cheez-it into his mouth. Then he turned his attention back to the device he was working on.

"So, Janine quit. We require a new receptionist.. desperately." Ray spoke up, his voice slightly echoing off the walls.

Egon tore his gaze away from a project he was tinkering with, his brows furrowed, "Oh? That's a shame," He softly chuckled.

Janine had a thing for Egon, she would constantly ask him about any hobbies or interests. She would ask him on dates about every weekend, although, he had politely declined each time. He didn't dislike Janine, just didn't have a romantic view of her.

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