He really is charming, isn't he?

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The phone rang madly, one call after another. You didn't even get a moment to take a break. You're rapidly writing down addresses and phone numbers.

"Now, is it just a mist or does it have arms and legs?" You asked the customer on the phone. You nodded, it's another 'slimer.'

You've never encountered a slimer yet, but you've heard Peter talking about them, he described it as an "ugly green blob."

You shivered, not really wanting to see one, in this lifetime.

The white hearse wasn't here, the boys were on a bust. They've been busy all day, they haven't got any time to rest. Poor guys.

Just on cue, another phone call rang out. You sighed, picking up the phone and saying, "Hello, Ghostbusters. How may we help you?" A lady's voice sheepishly spoke up, talking about a ghost haunting her small business. You nodded, writing down details and the address.

"Thank you, ma'am. I'll send the boys over as soon as they return." You reassured her.

Man.. this is gonna be a long first day.

͙⁺˚*・༓☾☆.。:*.。.:*☆ ༓・*˚⁺‧

A siren rang out, the hearse slowly pulling in, covered in.. weird slime gunk..? You pulled out a notepad and quickly scribbled down, 'remember to give Ecto-1 a wash soon.'

It came to a halt, seeing it slightly shake and rock from the movement of the boys inside. You saw the passenger door open first. Peter leapt out, his jumpsuit covered in slime, his hair looked slimy too. A scowl on his face, he muttered a quick, "Hello," and passed you to the upstairs sleeping quarters. A quick reminder to wash their jumpsuits soon..

The driver's side of the car opened, Ray heaving himself out, his jumpsuit slightly covered in slime; not as much as Peter's suit. He rushed to the side of Ecto-1, sliding the door open. He fumbled with smoking traps setting them down onto the concrete ground while still pulling more of them out.

Finally, Egon slipped out, not much slime on his jumpsuit. He went behind the hearse, and over onto the left side, helping Ray with the multiple smoking traps in his hands. Egon chatted with Ray, probably about some new theory he had about advancing their technology. Ray chuckled and smile at the man beside him.

"Y/N, could you come over here, please?" Ray shouted from the hearse.

You swiveled the chair slightly over to the right, and stood up, rushing over. Questioning what Ray wanted from you.

"What can I be of service, Ray?" You said in a slightly humorous tone, trying to lighten the tired man's mood.

"I need you to help Spengs put these traps in the storage facility, just help him carry them down to the basement, please. There are a lot of them. I need to get out of this acrid jumpsuit." Ray said breathlessly, he flashed a smile.

"Of course." You'd rather spend some time with Spengler than do more paperwork.

You took the multiple traps from his arms, they were sticky.. great, after all, you were only wearing a sweater.

"Ready?" Egon said quietly, you nodded quickly.

You followed the tall man down the stairs, trying not to tip over, these traps were really heavy. It didn't help that they were smoking too; blurring some of your vision.

Once you reached the bottom, you saw a large red control panel. It had numerous buttons, some flashing, and a few levers and switches. You felt nervous looking at the Containment Unit.

You distanced yourself from the expensive looking storage facility, you didn't really want to mess it up.

"Thank you, for helping me." Egon's voice tore you away from the machinery.

"Well, you've been busy all day— you seem really tired," You took a quick glance at his features, his curls gone every which way, his glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and dark circles underneath those chocolate eyes, "I mean, honestly, I think you would've needed some help anyways."

He started pressing a few buttons, then pulled out a chute and slipped a trap inside. Securing the trap inside and pressing a few more buttons, then pushed the chute back up, then he pulled a lever. A green light flashed above.

You watched him curiously, although you started studying his body. Broad, thick shoulders held a quiet heavy looking proton pack, while still having a small, vague-ish pudgy belly. His slim figure seemed to hide soft muscles underneath that jumpsuit.

"The light is green, the trap is clean." He murmured, relieving you from your trance.

You tilted your head, "So, how did you even get this Containment Unit?"

He gazed over at you, smiling, "Not too long ago, we were called to the New York Public Library. My findings there with the specter we encountered led me to discover new readings that we had an excellent chance of actually catching a ghost and holding it indefinitely."

"And the Containment Unit, it's custom-made."

You listened to this man babble on about his findings at the New York Public Library.

"So, you actually built these traps! All by yourself?" You spoke, with interest sparking, "And you built the custom-made storage facility?"

He nodded slowly, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. While a small smile tugged at his lips. The tips of his ears became warm, "Well, without the help of Raymond and Venkman. I couldn't have done it."

"That's radical. I'm impressed Egon, although I should probably go back upstairs, I think that you guys are going to get the rest of the day off. Each one of you seem incredibly tired." Why were you telling him you had to go back upstairs? You wanted to stay with him.

Egon looked relieved, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Oh! Also," You began, "When you're done, bring that jumpsuit upstairs, I'm going to wash those slime stains out," You started up the wooden stairs, "By the way, also take a shower, you boys smell." You chuckled, throwing a bit of humor in.

͙⁺˚*・༓☾☆.。:*.。.:*☆ ༓・*˚⁺‧

You sat at your desk, sorting through papers. You hummed to yourself, the guys off doing their own thing. You scribbled down the required information on the paper. Your free hand running through your hair, as you go to the end you took a strand, curling it around your finger.

Spengler crossed your mind. Now, this man wasn't exactly.. unattractive..

Okay, maybe he was very attractive, but who could blame you?

Those soft chocolate eyes that hide behind thin-rimmed moon glasses, or his jawline? Those irresistible dark curls, his voice even sent you into a trance.

Who wouldn't want a man like that?

Although Egon was quiet and reserved, you didn't mind listening to his theories from time to time too. Even though none of it made sense, he was still very attractive. You couldn't believe it, you were attracted to that oddity, Doctor Egon Spengler.

You shook your head, how could you get thoughts like that? Especially about a coworker you've just met? It hasn't even been a day!

You finished filing the paperwork, you snatched your purse decided to just go home to relax for the rest of the day. Shouting a quick "goodbye" downstairs where you knew Egon and Ray were. You heard Ray faintly shout a "farewell!"

You pushed the door open, and cold, fall air greeted you. You took a deep breath in, might as well walk home to your apartment, it will be good for you after all.

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