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"I'm sorry, we couldn't save your child." Doctor said , dejected by the loss of the unborn. Sameer nodded as he looked at his dirty shoes. He felt like a failed person today. As the doctor went, he sat on the chair nearby and looked at the closed doors of the operation room. He wanted to cry for his loss but he couldn't. At times you are too sad to cry. He pushed his hair back and rubbed his face. He was still trying to pick himself up when the door of the OT opened and Naina was taken out on the stretcher. She was still unconscious, draped in bandages all over. The accident was fatal, it took away all their happiness and left the shards of the broken souls.

She sat on the hospital bed, eyes dried out. "Naina." Sameer whispered as he entered in the ward and saw her sitting. She looked at his smile and her eyes welled up. Sameer went to her and hugged her. Both of them cried as they hugged each other. It would take a long time for them to fix the broken pieces together and look beyond it. But, they'll make it through, they always have.

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