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"Namrata listen to me, I'm sorry." Rishi tried to talk to her and calm her down. "What sorry Rishi? You broke my trust." She said, still crying. "I didn't think Dimple would tell anyone." Rishi tried to put the blame on Dimple. "Dimple wasn't my best friend Rishi. She owe me nothing. My secrets were just mine and yours to know. When I didn't include anyone in it, how could you? You were my friend, my family, not Dimple not anyone else. You decided to be selfish to gain her interest in you. But thank you Rishi for ruining my life. I owe you this one." She said and took the auto to go home. It was the worst day of her life. She felt betrayed by that one person whom she never thought would stab in her back. It was perhaps all over, her life was over, at least it seemed to.

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