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Na Hee-Do was looking at this group photo from ages ago. When Min-Chae asked her of her field trip, she told her she didn't remember it. Well, the truth was, she remembered every bit of that day spent. How was she supposed to forget one of the few memorable days that weren't related to fencing? It was for the first time she went on a field trip with her friends. It sure was one memorable day. She giggled at the thought of it. She was so sore when she came back, she shouldn't have played that long in the water, she had chided herself back then. Thing about nostalgia is, it leaves you so bittersweet. How she wished to run back to that Summer they claimed as theirs. But is wasn't possible, not till someone invents a time machine in her life time at least. She stared at the picture for a long time revisiting the lanes of her memories, those young days of that eventful summer. Now that she thought of it, they seemed to have happened so long ago, she was young so long ago. Nostalgia is such a bittersweet thing. When Min-Chae called her to show what her grandmother and her doing, Hee-Do quickly wrapped up her memory lane and that dear picture and put a break at all the thoughts popping in her head and headed out with a promise to revisit more often to the times gone and relationships forgotten.

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