• 20. Auto-Pilot Mode •

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I was standing downstairs at the front doors, on our way to wherever Elijah was taking us. I kept asking him to tell me already where we're going but he refused and kept on refusing. So I stopped myself, knowing that I could never crack this man. If he had his mind set on that one thing, he would never change it.

"Stop", a voice called from behind. It was Andrei.

I turn around to look into his green eyes, combing his hair back with his fingers. "What ?", I asked frowning my brows. He looks down to my feet.

I look down as well. I was doing that thing with my feet that I can't stop. I was standing with my one leg bending sort of in. But it was only because I was thinking. "Oh", I mumbled , "I can't stop. I have been doing this since I was a kid". He scoffs lightly, "You must have been the fucking weird kid in school". I smack him across the arm playfully. "No I wasn't !", I said. "Yeah you were. Look at you. Nerdy", he teased laughing at me. Of course I did not find it funny.

"I'm no nerd !", I told him strictly. "Look at you going on about it", he laughed at me. I was sure he didn't mean anything in a mean matter and he was just making fun of my legs.

"What were you, huh ? Back in school ? The spoiled jock ?", I said smiling widely. But my smile soon faded away when his face got a bit more strict while saying, "Uh - yeah no, I never went to school. I was home schooled".

"I'm sorry for asking", I mumbled. "No no, it was fun. I had a... had a friend with me", he answered me. Just when I wanted to ask him more about what he was telling me, Elijah interrupts. He walked into the room with his normal look. Black shirt and long pants, jewellery and messy hair.

"Andrei", he called out. "Yes ?", he replied, now with a serious face. "Присмотри за домом, пока меня нет. я не буду долго" (Look after the house while I'm gone. I won't take to long) Elijah said placing his hand on Andrei's shoulder. He nodded, answering Elijah's half demand.

Elijah then looked at me. "Come on", he said exiting the front doors and walking over to a new car. It was a black Bugatti La Voiture Noire. A fucking expensive car if you ask me. He gets into the car and I follow, getting in with everything but gentleness.
"Elijah ?", I asked as he started the sports car's engine. "No, I'm not telling you", he said as if he could read my thoughts.
"Please. I need to know where we are going", I begged him.
"This was kind of planned last minute", he mumbled pulling the car away and started driving out of the front gates. "Now you have to tell me", I told him, sort of demanding. "Are you afraid of flights ?", he asked, looking into my eyes.

"Wait... what ? We are going to fly ?", I mumbled. No, no, no ! "Yes", he said casually. I swallow. "I'm not going with you", I told him.
"Yes you are".
"No, I'm not ! I'm not leaving the country with you".
"You don't have a choice дорогой" (darling).
"I'm not going Elijah. And you cannot make me", I said now mumbling and looking out of the window. "Don't be a сука" (bitch) he said taking a turn. I breath out.

Ugh this son of a bitch ! Son of a... a whore man ! Fuck him.

I open the door while the car was on full speed. "Какого хрена Люси !", (What the fuck Lucy !) he yelled, leaning over and trying to close the door. "Я сказал тебе, черт возьми, остановить машину", (I told you to fucking stop the car) I yelled over him.

"Are you crazy !", he said pulling me in, as I tried to jump out. He jammed my door shut and locked it. He hit the brakes sharply at a red light.
"Put on your safety belt", his voice was harsh now.

"I'm taking you to the airport and you cannot do anything to stop me сука", he said dryly.

Fuck. My. Stupid. Ass. Life.

So much for making him gentle and the plenty of shit he said yesterday.

I look down to my feet, pressing on the heel of the black high heels I was wearing. It was sharp. Sharp enough to slid his fucking throat open.

"You can either be a good girl and do as you're told. Or be a little сука and I'll drag you up that jet", he grimaced.
I press my arms around my chest tightly, as if the black long sleeved and long pants jumpsuit I was wearing wasn't tight enough.

We came into a narrow street away from the airport entry. It was a road to a private basement. Probably bought himself a private basement as well.

"What are we doing in here ? Do you even know the boss of this airline ?", I rasped. "I am the maker and the boss of this airline", he said tautly.
I look away in embarrassment. Him ? Owning the entire airport ?

We came out of the dark tunnel back onto the ground floor. Suddenly a massive jet stood next to us as he parked his multi million dollar car. He opened his door and got out smoothly.

I did the same, but only stood at the car. "I am not getting in there", I said standing as still as a statue.

Suddenly he walked closer. "Why do I have to do everything myself", he groaned as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down ! Put me down right now !", I said yelling and smacking him in the back. I smacked, and I slapped and he still did not put me down. He was like stone. Hard, unbreakable fucking stone. One made by Superman himself.

He walked up the small stairs into the plane and into the small type of hallway. "Put me down you mудак !", (asshole) I said slapping him once more. "Alright, as you wish", he said dropping me dead ass on the hard, metal ground. I clench my teeth.

I stood up body achingly. He sat down on a white chair with his legs spread open, leaning back as he smirked at me mockingly. "Very funny", I snapped scathingly. I took seat right in front of him on a white couch, looking deep into his cold eyes.

He took his seatbelt, placing it in. "You might wanna buckle up", he said.
I took my seatbelt and placed it around my waist, clicking it in. The airplane started to move and my stomach turn. "I always expected you to have a VIP seat on a normal airplane", I said thinking out loud. "Why sit in the VIP section if I can have my own fucking jet ?", he mocked, grabbing a flat lollipop that was laying in a bowl full of them.

The jet started to take off. "Fuck", he said pulling on his seatbelt. "What ?", I asked curiously.
"My seatbelt is jammed in".
"Let me have a look", I said unbuckling.
"No, it's taking off".
"Let me help you", I said walking and now standing in front of him. I got on his lap lightly, reaching my hand out for the seatbelt.

Suddenly the plane started to take off fast, making me fall right into Elijah's lap. I tried to stood up but it was already to late, the plane was taking off so fast it didn't allow me to stood up, only pressing me more on Elijah. I was close to him that his cold breath was right into my face and his bulge in his pants was pressing on my vagina.

I held my breath in. There was no way out of this now.

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