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Today Deidara senpai brought me to the doctors. He was complaining that my lips were not good enough for his art so now I am currently waiting to get a botox injection.

After what seemed like hours I was finally finished. I admit the needles hurt a bit, but with my straight teeth with my braces off and my sexy new lips I was ready to go.

Deidara senpai was very pleased. He said I looked truly handsome. I hope my wife will be pleased.

As we paraded through the streets of a small village, people couldn't help but notice this stranger with smashing luscious lips, of course they weren't admiring senpai but me! I could hear people in the streets whispering about me. They were wondering who this handsome devil was. But Deidara didn't look happy at all.
"What's wrong senpai?" I asked out of my new lips.
"Nothing unn..." He grunted under his breath.
"You sure senpai. Not JEALOUS are you?" I laughed.

The next day were sitting in the waiting room of the doctors again, but not for me this time but Deidara senpai. He never admitted it but he was totally jealous of my lips and he's getting Botox himself.

After a few hours Deidara Senpai was strolling through the streets with a big smile on his face. His new lips to match mine.

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