What If?

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Chapter 2

I don't know when I fell asleep, but I was awoken to the sound of pounding on the door. I looked over next to me to see an empty bed, and then at the alarm clock to see that it was almost three in the morning. Is this going to be a nightly thing from now on?

I sighed heavily, pushing myself out of the warm bed and walking out of my room and to the front door.

I looked through the peephole and took a sharp intake of breath. It was Jacob, if that much wasn't obvious. But he also had a blonde girl under his arm.

I opened the door, eyes wide, as I looked at both of them expectedly. Was it bad that I wasn't hurt over this? I was only furious that he thought he could get away with it. But he wasn't going to. Not this time.

"Hey, babe, this is Ashley. Isn't she hot? Fuck, I forgot you were gonna be here. That's gonna cause some problems," he scratched his head, and then almost lost his balance. Problems. There's that word again. Is that all he thinks of me as? A problem?

"Yeah, it is," I mused, squinting my eyes at them.

"Could you like, maybe leave for 10 minutes?" He had the nerve to ask me, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, sure. I'll leave my house, that you don't help pay for. And I'll let you guys have sex in my bed that I sleep in. And while we're at it, I'll even let her wear some of my clothes, because clearly, she needs some!"

"Oh, c'mon babe, you're being unreasonable," I honestly can't believe what I'm hearing, and seeing right now. He's such fucking scum. Could somebody remind me why I'm dating him in the first place?

"No, being unreasonable would be me continuing this fucked up relationship after this. So I'm definitely not being unreasonable."

"You have a girlfriend?" The blonde girl giggled, as if that was funny information.

"Ex, girlfriend. But I appreciate the concern. Bye, Jacob. Take her to your own apartment," I said spitefully, because I knew he didn't have one. And with that, I slammed the door in his face, walked to my bedroom, and began picking up all of his shit. I need boxes for this.

I would normally wait until the morning to do this, so I could have a full night's sleep, but I couldn't stand to look at all of his stuff surrounding me. Once again, not because I'm sad, or upset, or hurt. But because I'm angry, furious, disgusted, and repulsed. I threw all of it in a pile on the floor, and then I went on a hunt for boxes so I could throw it out on my porch.

The first place I thought to look was in my basement. I've only ever been down there twice, because, to be honest, I'm scared of it. There's only one light for the massive amount of space, and with that being said, there are lots of shadows. I'd normally make Jacob go down there for me, even though he'd argue with me for an hour before he actually went. And I wasn't looking forward to going down there by myself, but I knew I'd have to do it sometime. So why not now?

I used my phone as a flashlight as I slowly walked down the steps, and immediately turned on the one light as soon as I got at the bottom. I looked around, searching for the boxes that I'm sure will be down here. I'm pretty sure my mum put them down here after the move, in case I'd ever need them. Just thinking about my mum gave me a pang in my chest. She had died from cancer the year previous, and I missed her more than anything in the world.

I shook off the thoughts, not wanting to cry like I always did when I thought about her. Instead, I looked for the boxes. I didn't see them anywhere, however I saw a small door to my right, so I decided to look in there.

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