What Kind of Boyfriend Are You?

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Hellllllo! Happy #TurnBackTimeTuesday! (I know it's 12:30 AM and it's technically Wednesday, but shhhh). This is an extremely important chapter, as it changes a lot of things. This is sort of a part 1, which is why it's kind of short, but this took me an extremely long time to write because of all of the song lyrics I had to come up with. Part 2 will be next, (I think it will be up in a few days, but if not, then it will be next Tuesday).

PS, please ignore the terrible song writing skills in this chapter, and probably the next one, since I had to rely on my brain and my brain alone. My 4th grade self who used to sit in her room writing songs had prepared me for this, but to be honest, I don't think it was quite enough preparation. I don't see song writing in the near future for me (insert laughing face emoji).

So without further ado, enjoy this chapter. And please let me know what you think about it! I love reading your comments :)

- Jules xo


"Why is it so cold?" I groaned, wondering what the hell we're doing, walking down the street in the clothing we were.

"I don't know, why are we dumb asses?" Harry responded, wrapping his arm around me.I chuckled, because I agreed. Here we are, in this freezing cold weather, wearing clothes meant for the summer. No wonder we're cold.

"We're almost there, babe. Hopefully they'll have sweatshirts in the lost and found for us to wear," I knew he meant it as a sarcastic comment, but I would probably take a sweatshirt out of the lost and found just so I wouldn't have to endure that torturous walk again.

A few minutes later, we arrived to the studio, and Harry held the door open for me. I thanked him, walking into the warm air that burst out of the heater. I savored the warmth, waiting for Harry to walk in so he can lead us to where we're supposed to go.

I would have had absolutely no idea that this was a music studio, if Harry hadn't brought me here. It was very homey, with couches, and carpet. When I think of 'music studio', I think of a white room, with black leather chairs, and lots of equipment. Not this. Not that I'm complaining.

Harry grabbed my hand, leading me to a room and opening the door. He walked in first this time, which I was thankful for, and I was met with another cozy room, but with the equipment that I expected to begin with. There were two tan love seats on either side of the room, and then a typical recording area with lots of different buttons that do lots of different things.

A guy was sat at a chair in front of all of the buttons, and the recording area was empty. He seemed to be messing with different sounds, as he pressed different buttons.

"Tanner!" Harry called over the loud sounds he was producing, and they abruptly stopped.

"Harry! Mate, I've been messing around with 'Just A Little Bit of Your Heart', right? Now picture this: dubstep in the chorus! That might be what you've been missing, because the song builds and builds, but it never really hits a climax. And with the dubstep in the chorus, it does, and it sounds brilliant! Here, listen," Tanner was quite chatty, and he didn't really pay much attention to me as he began playing a song.

I immediately recognized Harry's voice as the song started playing, and I was astounded at how good he sounded. It was just the right amount of deepness and raspiness, and it was so soothing. The song was a slow one, but as it reached the chorus, dubstep filled my ears. I cringed, not exactly liking the sound of it. It doesn't fit right with the rest of the song. It seemed out of place.

Harry seemed to be thinking the same, as he grimaced.

"Tanner, man, I love you, but what are you thinking?" Harry sat down in the rolly chair that was located next to Tanner, and started eliminating the dubstep from the song. How does he have any idea what button does what? He concentrated on the rest of the song that was playing, pressing different buttons that changed certain things, and I listened as well, critiquing it in my head."What do ya think, babe?" Harry turned to me, and that was when Tanner realized I was in the room.

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