You scared me Gab.

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Holaaaa! Sorry I missed last #TurnBackTimeTuesday. The fair was in town and I spent literally the entire week there. Here's an update for ya though.

I hope it's not too confusing, and I hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote, it means the world to me.

Thanks for reading!

- Jules xo


The alarm woke me up abruptly, and I jumped. I could barely squint my eyes open because of how tired I was, even though we had went to bed quite early last night.

I shut the alarm off, huffing, before laying back down. What day is it today? I don't even remember setting my alarm. It must be automatic.

Does that mean I work today? Today would be... Wednesday? I think. AKA a weekday. AKA I work.

I'm in a weird limbo right now where I have my memory of both lives in my head. I can remember everything from before I fixed my mistake, and now I can remember everything from the life I made because of fixing the mistake. But neither life felt like mine anymore.

I slowly got out of bed without disturbing Harry and walked to the bathroom, getting ready quickly. I work as a magazine editor, which, I guess isn't too far off from my old job as a newspaper editor. I just ventured off in a different, more modern direction.

I dressed easily, picking out a sleek blue matching outfit, a sapphire crop top and a matching high waisted pencil skirt, with a blazer. I put my hair up into a sleek pony tail, and did casual makeup with a hint of blue eyeliner in my waterline.

I definitely felt more daring and confident since remembering the events of my life.

I grabbed black heels from my closet, slipping them on my feet and grabbing my purse. I looked down at Harry sleeping, his hair spread out across the white pillow, and his arm sprawled across the bed. His mouth was hanging open, and I couldn't concentrate on anything but how absolutely adorable he looked. I couldn't help myself from walking over and kissing his cheek, before I began walking out of the room, my heels clicking with each step.

I picked up my car keys that were resting on the counter, before exiting the house without eating breakfast. I always skipped breakfast in this life, much favoring sleep.

Driving to work was easy, my memory aiding me in each turn. It was very strange actually remembering things. It felt as though I read a book, and now I was living it. Like I remembered everything about it, however it wasn't natural, or me, if that makes any sense.

I pulled up to the office building, that looked quite small but modern. Opening the door, I greeted the girl at the front desk, named Claire. She and I are friends, I guess, however she's definitely a gossip and I've been on the other end of it multiple times, so I'm not sure if I'd really consider her a 'friend'.

Nevertheless, I sent her a smile and a wave before making my way to the elevator, and pressing the last button. My very own office was located on the top floor, and it was strange. I've been afraid of elevators nearly my entire life, however, I didn't have that sinking feeling that I normally did as I rode it today. I must be over the fear.

I shrugged off the thought as the doors opened, revealing the open space in front of me. There were cubicles throughout the room, different people sitting in each one. I had my own office, thankfully, courtesy of my boss.

Speaking of, Matthew walked toward me.

"Gabriella, you're here, thank goodness. Where were you yesterday? Your spread was due, you have it right?"

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