Unlocated Emperors

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Scott had been experimenting with his new Frost Walker boots when Katherine had knocked on. 'She's here to help get the feast ready I hope.' He said in his mind. But when he opened the door, she didn't seem too happy.

"I got this message from Lizzie. It's to do with the Rivendell Festival." Katherine informed him. Scott took the book from the Overgrown Queen's hands, and read what was written aloud.

"Scott, Jimmy and I won't be able to partake in the Rivendell Festival due to family matters. I hope you understand. Oceans' Blessings, Lizzie." As he finished reading, he wore a crestfallen look on his face. "I was hoping Jimmy would be there.. We may have to go on without the two of them..."

Katherine perked up. "Or, we could postpone it until they're able to come! The seablings wouldn't want to miss this!" The idea lifted Scott's spirits, but his expression quickly changed to confusion

"Seablings? What do you mean by that? I get that Jimmy was waiting to go into the cavern, but I thought he was just wanting to trade with Lizzie too." Scott questioned

"They are long-lost siblings Scott, Jimmy came up with the phrase 'Seablings' though." Katherine briefly explained to the elf.

"That explains it a little." He replied. He didn't want anyone to miss his festival. Jimmy and his seabling  were no exception.

-A week or two later- (Also P.O.V change)

Katherine was waiting. Waiting for Lizzie to reply to her mail. She knew it took awhile to arrive, but she should have replied by now, right?  The House Blossom Queen paced about her castle, the amethyst-dotted floors letting out music with each step onto them. Then, she heard the bell. It's loud, slightly annoying, chime could be heard throughout the Overgrown. She rushed to the tower, only to find that it was one of her own messages that had arrived. It was her most recent one, that read 'Lizzie, where are you and Jimmy? Nobody's seen you for awhile. I'm worried about you'. 

"She's not been replying to the messages. They've just been piling up, haven't they.." Katherine concluded. "I need to go check on her. I'll get Scott too." And with that, she boosted herself into the sky with a rocket towards Rivendell.

After what felt like a few minutes, Katherine arrived at the Empire of Rivendell. She glided down to Scott's main base, and knocked on his door. 

"Who is it?" Scott called whilst approaching the door.

"It's Katherine. Lizzie hasn't been collecting the messages I've been sending her. I'm worried about the two of them Scott.." Katherine explained as Scott opened the door. She was shaking a bit from nerves and her eyes darted about, as if she was unable to focus on anything. 

"We should check on their empires. We'll go to Jimmy's first, and then Lizzie's, alright?" The Rivendell ruler announced. Katherine nodded and the two rulers flew into the sky towards The Cod Empire.

-Eventually- (Scott's P.O.V)

As the two rulers soared over The Cod Empire, they noticed that nothing had changed. Not a single new build had been made. They both landed, and searched about. Scott went to check Jimmy's main base. Nothing. The chests are bare. Then he noticed. 

"Norman's not here. Jimmy must have him. His chests have been stripped of valuables, and slime." 'He's taken his stuff with him somewhere.' Scott said as returned back to Katherine near the dock.

"Should we check The Ocean Empire?" Katherine suggested.

"Not yet, I want to speak with Jimmy's neighbour." Scott replied, heading to the Great Cod Wall. He flew over it, only to notice a half-done walkway to the Cod Empire over the ravine. Scott soared through the entrance, and searched for Sausage.

"Hello Scott, Katherine. What brings you to Mythland?" Sausage questioned as the Rivendell ruler landed.

"We're looking for Jimmy and Lizzie, they've been silent for the past few weeks." Scott explained. "We came to ask if you had seen him."

"I haven't, but I did see Jimmy's cat Norman being splashed by an invisibility potion. I've been wondering why he didn't see my sign asking for peace." Sausage replied.

"Norman being made invisible, the Seablings' silence, I think it's connected somehow." Katherine stated.

"I agree Katherine, thanks for your help Sausage!" Scott called, before the two of them headed off to the Ocean Empire.

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