Forgotten Feathers

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As Joel lead the three of them over the ocean towards Pixandria, there was a feeling he couldn't shake. A feeling of guilt, as if he thought it was his fault that Lizzie hidden herself, and Jimmy too. The feeling had been creeping up on him like 'Xornoth' Was said to stalk the other rulers, looming over him and overpowering his rationality until--

 "Joel, you're literally about to fly us past Pixandria." Scott mentioned, snapping the Mezalean ruler back to reality.

 " Oh yeah, sorry. Just thought I'd make a loop around to intimidate the Copper King. "He lied. They spotted Pixl by his bridge, looking out to the turtle sanctuary." Hey Pixl, have you seen Lizzie recently? " He asked as he landed to face his fellow King.

 "I last saw her on her birthday, but she seemed confused about what a birthday is.." Pixl informed them.

 "Lizzie has a birthday? She never told me..." Joel replied, feeling awkward . 'Is she hiding more from me than I thought?' He asked himself mentally.

"To be fair, Jimmy was probably the only other person who knew, but nobody knows why.." The Copper King noted.

 "Thanks for the info Copper Dad! It should help with our investigation." Joel hastily said "We'd best head back, come on guys." He launched a rocket and boosted himself into the sky. Scott and Katherine following a bit behind.

 "Joel, are you alright? You seem tense.." Katherine asked

 " I'm fine Katherine. You and Scott should just head back to your empires for now. " He replied flatly.

 "Fine.. Let us know if you learn or see anything." Scott said with a sigh, before he and Katherine set off back to their empires, leaving Joel alone.

-P.O.V Change-

Jimmy had been pacing in the Shipwreck Grotto for some time. He was tired of hiding from people. He wanted to see someone. The Codfather's loneliness would sometimes prevent him from sleeping, and when it did, her would pace the floor. Norman sometimes tried to comfort him, but a lot of the time it would be to no avail. Jimmy stopped pacing, and sat on the edge of his bed, looking in his satchel. He pulled out a couple of colourful feathers, matching those of a Scarlet Macaw's. They belonged to a friend of his, of which he'd not seen for awhile.

 "I wish I could see him again. It's been forever since I saw Grian.." Jimmy said to nobody in particular. Then , a risky idea popped into his head. "Grian isn't an emperor here.. Hopefully he wouldn't mention anything to them."

-Later-  ( Also POV change)

<Grian Joined The World>

<Goodtimewithscar Joined The World>

"Alright Tim, what did you want?" Grian asked, looking about. Then he noticed a sign "Follow the torches? Alright." A line of torches made a path somewhere. He followed it, and Scar followed close behind.

 "Grian,  you sure it was a good idea to come here?" Scar asked his companion.

 "You can head back if you want. I'll be fine." Grian replied, Scar didn't seem so sure.

 "I'll stick with you, because we don't know what 'Timmy' has planned, do we?" Scar commented. 

 "Pretty sure he wouldn't wanna hurt us Scar, he's a good friend of mine. The waffle said as the two of them approached the end of the path, which was the ocean's starting point. "Timmy, are ya here?" He called out

 "Yup." A voice replied

 "Are you a ghost or something dude?" Scar wondered.

 " Nope, I'm in the ocean. But I get why you thought I was a ghost, a 'disembodied ' voice can give those vibes. " 'Timmy ' answered.

 "So, Tim, what did ya want me for?" Grian asked. There was no reply for a few moments, and then a head popped out of the water. 

 "Just, follow me, no commenting about my appearance yet." Jimmy said flatly. Both guests nodded as Jim created a boat for them to follow him with. Eventually they reached the Ocean Empire. "We're far enough out now." Jimmy called.

 "You need to explain your appearance dude, I've got questions." Scar spoke up

 "Honestly, I dont know how it happened. I just remember Lizzie and I blacking out, and when I woke up, I was like this.." He didn't sound too happy about his predicament.

 "I've seen weirder stuff, but you not knowing how it happened its definitely strange.." Grian noted. 

" Jimmy, where are you? " He heard Lizzie's voice

"Hide!" Jimmy told them

"Why are we hiding from Lizzie?" Grian asked

"Because she'll kill me off she finds out!" He briefly explained

"Jimmy, what's going on?" Lizzie asked him " Who were you talking to? "

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