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I accidentally posted it at one point and had to unpublish the chapter. Sorry!

The top pic is of Jimmy's cat Norman. Grian picked him up when he was grumpy. 10/10, best meme format.


Scott was woken by the rising sun, it's orange light heating his face. He picked up a book and will that sat on his lap and put another tally into it. 

 "Still no sign of Jimmy..." He sighed. Then, there was an abrupt knock at the door. The Rivendell Ruler headed down to the entrance, and when he opened the door, he was met by an overjoyed Katherine. 

 "Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott! I got a message from Lizzie a few days ago, and today I got a message for you!" She was beaming from happiness. He opened it up and read it out, 

 "Dear Scott, We are able to come to your festival, however, would we be allowed to bring company? Looking forward to seeing you! -Lizzie & Jimmy" A gentle feeling of warmth curled around Scott as he did so. "Send a message to each empire, and let them know, the Festival is tomorrow." He informed Katherine. The House Blossom Guardian nodded, trying to contain her excitement. Scott understood the feeling. To see someone you care for again. He smiled as he watched Katherine leave, disappearing into the sky. The world seemed to be getting better, wounds were healing and holes in alliances were mending.

-POV Change -

Lizzie was pacing about the Mezalean Empire, the silver moonlight reflecting off of her scales, and off of the water features, making it look like a velvet blanket. After a while, she sat herself down on the edge of the fountain, looking at her hands. She sighed.

 "Lizzie, is everything alright?" A voice asked. It was Joel.

 "Is it a good idea? To go to the festival?" She asked as Joel say down next to her. 

 "If the ones you love care for you, they wouldn't care about your appearance. They would just be happy to be with you again." Joel replied.  Lizzie smiled at him, and the two of them huddled together  in the night. 

-POV Change- 

Jimmy lay awake. Both Scar and Grian were asleep, and Lizzie was in a separate room with Joel. He didn't know what was keeping him up, but he didn't like it. Jim had tried multiple things to help him sleep, but none prevailed. He shifted uncomfortably in his bed, incapable of getting comfortable. He heard a light groan from one of the other beds.

 "Jimmy..." They checked their watch. "Sweet baby Jellie why are you up at 2AM?" It was Scar, who had Norman on his lap. Jimmy sat himself up.

 "I can't sleep Scar. I think its just nerves, but I somehow don't feel tired." He explained as Scar stroked Norman. The hermit seemed to understand.

"On the night before the Mayoral Election back in Season Seven, I felt that way too, and I bet Mumbo did too. Or at least I told myself that. The point is, you'll duo great no matter what. I went on to win the election, and I bet that you'll do great at the feast. " Scar told Jimmy. 

 "Thanks Scar. It helps to know that somebody is rooting for me." He smiled lightly as he spoke. He laid back down, and fell asleep after a while.

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