Hiding In The Blue

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(Yes the name is based from the song 'Hiding In The Blue' By TheFatRat)

Katherine landed on her embassy lilypad, closely followed by Scott. It swayed a little, from the gentle waves of the ocean, but that was the only movement she could see, besides the villagers on their lilypad and the few shoals of fish that explored the watery depths.

 "Where would they be? I can't see them on any lilypads or even in the Prisma Palace Scott." Katherine said, her voice wobbly. Suddenly a shadow was cast over them, which got smaller until it matched the figure's size. 

"You guys looking for Lizzie too? I left her a shulker filled with gifts a week or two ago, and it hasn't been touched." Joel mentioned as he landed onto the lilypad alongside the other rulers.

 "Both Jimmy and Lizzie are missing Joel, we assumed they were here.." Scott replied, worried. "Should we check in her chest room, or in the map room? There's some lilypads that we could check, and her Axolotl sanctuary could have some hints to their location too." He asked. The others nodded in agreement and Scott headed towards the Prisma Palace to search Lizzie's storage room. Nothing. Some chests had been stripped of materials, and others had items removed from them. "Odd. Her prismarine, coral and quarts chests are empty.." Scott muttered to himself. Her map room seemed unchanged, and so was her Axolotl Sanctuary. He met back up with Joel and Katherine, who had little to no luck, like him.

"There's nothing anywhere. No changes to her empire." Joel mentioned. He seemed uncomfortable and anxious, which was not like the Mezalean king. Then, an idea appeared in Scott's head.

"We should check her shipwreck!" He exclaimed

"What?" Joel and Katherine said in unison.

"Lizzie's got this shipwreck where she keeps all of her 'treasures'." He made air quotes as he spoke, since he saw them as random finds. "Maybe they're in there?"

"It's possible." Joel replied.

"Yeah, they might be in there." Katherine added on. They dived down into the depths, towards the ship. they headed down the staircase to the grotto, where they spotted that many things had changed in the room, but the most noticeable changes were two beds, and Norman, who sat comfortably on one of the two beds.

"Norman!" Scott exclaimed "Jimmy and Lizzie have got to be here! Search for clues!" He began looking about the room for anything that could hint to where they were. Then, he heard Joel.

"Guys, there's a trapdoor here..." He called out to the others. Scott and Katherine headed over to it.

"Should we check down here?" Katherine asked

"I think we should, just be wary." Scott replied.

"Then it's settled, we'll head down and see what's in here." Joel commented, before lifting the trapdoor and entering the chamber, followed by Scott, and lastly Katherine.

"What in the world is that?" Scott asked. The creature in question seemed to be an enderman, but it also resembled an axolotl.

"I don't know, let's check the book." Joel replied. He walked over to the lectern and picked up the book. "Enderlotl research. My first encounter with the enderlotl occurred in the ocean biome. Previously, an enderlotl sighting was reported by another empire in an unknown location." Joel read out. "The enderlotl acts like an ordinary enderman. However, the appearance of the enderlotl is drastically different. It seems to have fish-like gills and fins. It bears a striking resemblance to the axolotl."

"That explains some things." Katherine noted.

"Can you let me read it?" Joel muttered, annoyed. "Possible causes: Salt water? The conduit? A curse? A blessing?. Wait, I can't read this!" He commented as he turned to the next page. 

"What in the world? That's the thing Lizzie was looking for!" Scott pointed at the diagram. 

"What do you mean?" Katherine asked. "You traded something with Lizzie?" 

"Yeah. I can make out some stuff in here, but it's not the easiest to read. 'Blue Axolotl', 'Royal heir', 'Ocean Empire', 'artefact' and 'hidden'." Scott mentioned.

"Lizzie said something to me about the Blue Axolotl being the heir to the throne.. Maybe that's what she needed the orb for?" Joel asked.

"But then why is Jimmy here?" Scott questioned. Joel seemed stumped.

"Maybe because they're seablings." Katherine replied.

"What do you mean by 'seablings' Katherine?" Joel asked. 

"Just go along with it Joel..." The Overgrown Queen groaned

"Let's head back up, maybe we'll be able to find them now with our newest lead." Scott said.

-P.O.V change-

Lizzie had been at the other side of the Prisma Palace when Scott, Katherine and Joel had went to find out what was going on. She and Jimmy had been working on building some underwater structures, such as sunken ships, Atlantis-like temples and fallen lilypads that resembled the ones Lizzie had built for embassies to be created upon. She sighed as she saw her seabling looking up towards the surface, as if he were longing to go up and see it again.

"Jimmy, what's wrong?" She'd ask as she swam over to him, her tail moving in a mesmerising pattern.

"Nothing's wrong." He lied.

"Jimmy, you know you're bad at lying. Tell me what's up." Lizzie insisted.

"I want to see Scott again Lizzie. He's probably worried sick. Joel and Katherine probably are too. You disabled the bell on her embassy island." Jimmy vented. Lizzie seemed upset from the comment, though she knew it was truthful.

"Do you wanna go pet Norman? He usually helps you when you feel blue, doesn't he?" She suggested.

"Yeah.." Jimmy replied. They swam over to the shipwreck grotto, but before they reached it, the trapdoor lifted up. Lizzie ducked behind a boulder, but Jimmy stopped dead in his tracks.

-P.O.V Change-

Jimmy didn't move. He couldn't move. Somebody was looking for them, yet he couldn't duck out of sight.

"Jimmy! Get outta there!" Lizzie mouthed to her seabling. He didn't budge. Blue hair began to rise out of the compartment, and before they could be seen, Lizzie shoved Jimmy out of the open and behind a thick kelp patch. Their eyes were wide with fear as three rulers exited the shipwreck and headed back to the lilypads: Scott, Joel and Katherine. The Rivendell ruler, although the first to leave the wreck, was the last to surface.

"I swear it.. I thought I saw Jimmy's shirt.." Scott muttered to himself as he surfaced.

"Don't be hard on yourself Scott. We'll find them soon. I promise." Katherine's voice could be heard from above.

"Should we go check Pixandria?" Joel suggested "The Copper King may know something."

"Yeah, sure.." Scott replied, sounding a bit sad. Jimmy felt a bit blue. They cared about the two of them. 

"Jimmy! Why didn't you move? We could've had our cover blown!" Lizzie exclaimed. Jimmy wasn't listening.

"Lizzie, they care about us. Do you think they would've been scared of us if they did?" He said. Lizzie didn't reply

"I thought so. I'm gonna follow them to Pixandria." He declared, and was about to swim off when Lizzie spoke up.

"No, Jimmy! Please... I know they care about us, but what about the other emperors, like Joey or Fwhip?" She explained. He turned back and looked a bit crestfallen. Lizzie sighed. "We're hidden for a reason Jimmy, and we both know it full well.. I'd give anything to see Joel in person again..."

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