Chapter Six

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Naotaka's Pov
Chunin exams. I was so so already over it, I was exhausted, I was ready to give up at any moment, I don't think any of this was worth it to become a ninja like at all, they had us kids working to the damn bone for this. The first half was, nerve wracking and had me almost falling asleep for the written exam.

Cheating without getting caught, second half, I never wanted to go into a damn forest again, yet I suppose that was the life of every ninja no matter what village you came from, life or death situations were expected.

Sasuke had been acting a little oddly since we all witnessed him getting deeply bit half way during the challenge, I don't know if it made him oddly clingy since he was by my side in an instance saying it was the only way to preserve body heat, something along those lines.

"Sasuke wake up." I muttered to the dark haired boy who had his entire body laying on my chest, little tremble ranked through his body, I thought holding him would stop him from shivering and letting quiet sneezes out here and there Sakura had passed out not too long ago after Naruto.

"Nao I'm so cold... But it's hot at the same time... Am I dying?" I wasn't expecting that he would be wide awake, not only did I have him on my chest taking up quite a bit of space, you had Naruto's entire head in my lap mouth hung open. I should have pulled a prank on him and put a fly into his mouth his loud snores could alert anyone miles away.

I scrunched my eyebrows together for a moment before keeping both arms secured around him, "Tilt your head for me.. I know you are trying to hide it but me and Sakura both saw it." Sasuke started to grumble like he was hiding it, but he then tilted his head slowly for me to see the strange marking on his neck. How the hell was this a bite mark? It looked like it was pulsing with charka and throbbing every second.

I brushed my fingers tips across it for just a second, muttering a small sorry under my breath when Sasuke hissed shooting a small glare my way.

"Sorry sorry... I don't like that Sasuke it has strange black aura from it." Sasuke rested his head right back onto my chest grumbling under his breath.

"Yeah I know." A heavy sigh tore from my lips feeling the breeze blowing through each red lock.

"Don't tell anyone... Thank you for holding me." A breathless chuckle left me moving all the hair from his eye sight.

"You're welcome Sasuke." I faintly saw a smile grow on his face though I could have imagined it, he was lucky I moved him out of the way when it seemed Naruto was about to hit him from his sleep, with his leg.

"Keep away from my brother I'll tie you up again if you take his innocence." I choked so hard on my snort. No way he was in a deep slumber doing that. Sasuke scowled deeply in disbelief.

"You idiot..."

Second phase done! Was I happy hell yeah I was, all the hard parts mostly out of the damn way, I found myself resting on the railing next to Kakashi Sensei, Sakura and Naruto as we watched the first match which was Sasuke's. I was so sleepy.

It felt like when we were by ourselves I was always taking care of them, everyone was reckless. I was debating in my head if I should lose my match on purpose.

"I- Sensei what was that for?" I whined out suddenly in shock when he had grabbed at my headband slapping it back onto my forehead causing me to shoot a glare to the sliver haired masked male.

"I see that look in your eyes. Why are you trying to give up now? Look at how far you've all come? You made it farther then most." I rubbed at the impact mark grumbling up an even louder storm.

"Because I'm tired Sensei... I only agreed to all this because of Naruto." I dropped my voice down so he couldn't hear. He looked so excited. Kakashi Sensei hummed for a moment his own visible eye to me before he shook his head.

"You aren't just doing it for Naruto, Nao you are doing it for yourself. Because you wanna see yourself get stronger and you also wanna keep an eye on those two." I was confused but he then gestured towards where Sasuke was.

"You think I'm just your sensei I notice things. The strangest love triangle I have ever seen in my entire life." I felt my cheeks the a bright red.

"What!?" He shushed me slightly pulling me along away from the two who were distracted.

"Naruto likes Sakura, you dislike Sakura, she dislikes you both, then you like Sasuke and he likes you, while she likes Sasuke I see these things." I found myself oddly embarrassed staring at this male who just chuckled my way ruffling my hair.

"Don't worry about it so much, you all are still young." I huffed loudly stomping my foot for a moment.

"Who says I like Sasuke, Sensei?!"

"Me and if you had the chance you would runaway with him."

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