Chapter One

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Naotaka's Pov
"Oh that freaking Naruto! Always is causing trouble." Firmly I kept my head pressed into my desk just wanting to go back home with Naruto so I could sleep. I could honestly say with a deep passion, I hated school.

I showed no interest in it at all. I knew all the material like nothing, and most of the time I spent all my time plotting ways of not to cuss Sakura out because she irked my nerves way more then I ever would like someone to.

I didn't know a girl could be so annoying till I met her when we were like five. She always was picking and nitpicking at Naruto but quickly shut up whenever I shot her a glare or told her to shut up.

Remember you are just trying to protect Naruto, it's been a long few days of testing to see if we are qualified for ninjas. I lifted my head up for a moment to mess with my new headband a little curious like flicking my red hair a bit from my face a little.

A lot of people didn't believe at first glance me and Naruto are twins because for one. Naruto has the brightest blonde hair, while I had red hair, but then when you looked at the whiskers and the blue eyes yeah we are twins.

I'm the older one by four whole minutes that what Iruka Sensei tells us. He also said that I got my red hair from my mom, what ever that meant.

"Hey Naruto beat it this is for people who passed." I heard Shikamaru grumble out a little.

"Check with your eyes Shikamaru, Look I got my headband all thanks to Naotaka!" I chuckled lifting my head up blinking in confusion when I heard squealing near my table.

Oh it must be for Sasuke. I thought standing up to stretch but I was confused to see a few girls surrounding me.

"Oh Naotaka! You passed we all knew you would. "

"Can I touch your hair it looks so soft!"

"Hey back off I was here first!" Okay... This is strange I thought lifting an eyebrow, don't these girls usually bully me and Naruto what the hell?

"Uhh thanks? I guess." I answered chuckling.

"Hey! Move that's my twin you weirdo!" Naruto shoved through all the girls making them growl, and stare at him but he just pulled me to sit down at our table glaring at everyone.

I chuckled throwing Naruto in a deep hug squeezing him. "You're such a dork." I told him grinning.

"Ack! My hair." I smiled down at him. He was all I had.... And all I really needed my brother. I smiled.

For a while class was just wild since everyone was more excited about the new journey of becoming Ninjas, Ino and Sakura were fighting about who came in first, shouting insults at one another.

Soon Sasuke's fangirls left me alone to bother Sasuke. After sometimes Naruto also got up to possible mess around with Sasuke. I had fallen asleep kinda till I heard someone screaming that Sasuke and Naruto kissed.

I lifted my head up so quick to look at the sight, just to start laughing so hard at the sight of almost all the girls yelling and for Naruto to started screaming yuck holding his throat.

"Ugh gross you loser!" Sasuke grumbled holding his mouth deeply, he slowly locked eyes with me, just to look away so fast a strange red blush over his face.

"Yeah time to go back to sleep." I muttered resting my head on the table still laughing deeply. It finally got quiet once Iruka Sensei came in.

I was half listening to his deep speeches, just enough to hear that we would be sorted into teams.

"Alright team eight, Kiba, Hinata and Shino, Team ten, Ino, Shikamaru and Choji." I shut my eyes tightly hearing a lot of talking but it continues on and on before I perked a little.

"Alright the final team, Team seven, is the only four man group, it has the Uzumaki twins, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha."

I literally shot my head up so quick in complete shock gripping at my hair fast, hearing Naruto cheer hearing Sakura's name.  But groans when he heard Sasuke's name, followed by Sakura doing the same hearing Sasuke's name but groaned hearing our name.

"Yeah I'm gonna end up killing someone." I grumbled glaring looking around.

"Holy shit." Sasuke whispered his eyes growing wide look at me.

I flicked my bored blue eyes at him for a moment watching him look away so fast at the same time.

"Why do I have to be on a team with a loser like Sasuke!" Naruto shouted out, I just banged my head on the table.

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